Caroline12717's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Caroline12717's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Such a beautiful flower garden!
- Grandma on May 31, 2023
I love your stars to brighten the evening!
- Grandma on May 31, 2023
Your drawing is so nice, and I love the colors!
- Grandma on February 22, 2023
I love your owls. Very nice!
- Grandma on February 22, 2023
Nice fall colors!
- Grandma on November 1, 2022
Very pretty Caroline.
- Grandma on October 19, 2022
Great job Caroline!
- Scott on October 4, 2022
What a beautiful lighthouse Caroline!
- Grandma on September 22, 2022
Very nice Caroline
- Grandma on March 2, 2022
I love your hearts Caroline. Keep up the good work!
- Grandma on February 16, 2022
Caroline I love your pumpkin!
- Courtney (Mother) on November 9, 2021
Great job Caroline! I love to see your new art. Keep up the good work
- Scott on October 17, 2021
Very nice Caroline!
- Jeannie on September 15, 2021
Good Job princess! I love your art!
- Scott on May 18, 2021
Pretty flowers
- Jeannie on May 18, 2021
Love your fish Caroline. Beautiful colors!
- Grandma on May 5, 2021
Caroline your fish is awesome! Great Job!!
- Dad on April 9, 2021
Beautiful Caroline!
- Janis on March 17, 2021
Caroline I love your rainbow fish! Love Grammye
- Janis on March 17, 2021
Caroline I love your snowman!!
- Courtney (Mother) on February 16, 2021
Those are some pretty awesome hearts
- Courtney (Mother) on February 16, 2021
Caroline I love your pumpkin!
- Courtney on October 28, 2020