Emily54365's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Emily54365's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This reminds me of the beach! Love this!
- Jill (Mother) on May 14, 2024
I love this Emily! Maybe we can learn to cross-stitch this summer!
- Mom on May 22, 2024
What a great tic tac toe board! Can’t wait to play!
- Jill (Mother) on March 26, 2024
Beautiful piece of art Emily!
- Jill (Mother) on March 26, 2024
Time to add gymnastics and deviled eggs! Heheh. Nice work Em! Love Mom
- Mom on January 17, 2024
Awesome Turtle, great Job Emily!
- James on November 8, 2023
This is so cute! Love the different greens that you used.
- Jill (Mother) on November 6, 2023
Great job Emily! I really like the variety of patterns and how you blended the colors.
- James (Father) on September 18, 2023
Super cute Emily! I love the patterns!
- Mom! on September 13, 2023
I LOVE this one Em! Cannot wait to get this one home, framed and hung up!
- Mom on May 10, 2023
Emily, your artwork shows a lot of creative thinking. I also like the different colors you used on the "rocks".
- Betty on April 26, 2023