Devin12125's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Devin12125's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Super job, Devin! Great representation of life in ancient Egypt! I Love your art works and I love you! Nana
- Gertrude on June 9, 2021
Devin: I really love the Egyptian theme used in you painting of the mask/ king / queen. You have a great imagination and recall to be able to paint these African masterpieces! Keep up the excellent work! I love you! Poppi ????
- Dwight on June 9, 2021
Very thoughtful and imaginative. Great recall of the Torchy’s experience.Devin has an excellent memory and can recreate what he remembers. Dwight Kelly aka Poppi.
- Dwight(fan) on May 5, 2021
Great use of color Devin!
- Darren (Father) on October 14, 2020