Everett2239's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Everett2239's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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These colors make me smile. It’s good to see your artistic side!
- Cathy on March 26, 2024
Good job!
- Cathy on March 26, 2024
Yum yum??
- Cathy on March 26, 2024
I find this very intriguing. I hope I can remember to ask you about it!
- Cathy on March 26, 2024
I love this, Everett! What beautiful colors??
- Cathy on March 26, 2024
This is really cool!
- Cathy on March 26, 2024
Is that Fills? Cool robot Everett!
- Grandma Sire on May 26, 2023
Nice color wheel!
- Grandma Sire on May 26, 2023
Nice work!
- Grandma sire on December 4, 2022
I really like this Everett!
- Grandma sire on December 4, 2022
This is really cool Everett!
- Grandma sire on December 4, 2022