Eli12495's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Eli12495's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is so beautiful, Eli! I love the colors, and can feel the swirling, fall winds. Nice job!
- Mama Leigh on January 5, 2022
This one's a party! Love it!
- Mama Leigh on January 5, 2022
This is so good, I'm going to order a t-shirt. It's bound to be my favorite for hiking out west, but I may have to watch OGO so he doesn't swipe it like a puzzle piece!
- Mama Leigh on January 5, 2022
E, this is amazing!! You're so talented. We want to get this one on a t-shirt for Liam.
- Aunt Lizzy & Uncle Anthony on August 18, 2021
So much texture and depth from the layers of color! To my eye, the flower seems to shoot forward in a rush because you layered the colors from light in the distance to dark in the foreground, and added more texture to the flower petals. The pinwheeling stamens make me think the flower is spinning. Mind Blowing Flower indeed! Good job!
- Mama Leigh on March 31, 2021
Hi Eli, Uncle Anthony and I LOVE every single piece of your art. We're going to get your painting of Starry Night on a mug so we can have something extra beautiful to drink our coffee out of in the mornings. We love you so much, super talented nephew! xo Aunt Lizzy
- Elizabeth(fan) on March 3, 2021
I love this drawing, Eli! You look like your dad and also your own, special self, and it's great to see the unique sides of you listed in your hair. Such a nice reflection of wonderful you. It might be a fun project to make a daily or weekly journal like this. Instead of words that describe the kind of person you are, you could write something you're thinking or wondering about that day. You could put the thought in a cartoon bubble coming out of your head, or make it into a pattern like a frame around the drawing. And if you're thinking about a lot of things, swirls of words would show all the movement going on inside your head!
- Mama Leigh on February 25, 2021
Nice patterns! The one on the 'E' is particularly nicely done! It's interesting that the sculpture in your old town of Philadelphia is also in your new town of Grand Rapids!
- Mama Leigh on January 6, 2021
Beautiful job, Eli! The reflections of the bridge going down into the water look so realistic, I feel like I could jump right into the river!
- Mama Leigh on January 6, 2021
Great Butterfly! Even better, are all of the people and activities you love. Your open heart and interest in so many things are what make you happy, special, and never bored!
- Mama Leigh on December 9, 2020
Usually you just see the artwork, but with this one, I can smell the cinnamon from here and even feel the warmth rising with that yummy scent! You made me see, smell, taste and feel, and you did it using only paper and your drawing skill! ??????????
- Mama Leigh(fan) on November 25, 2020
This painting may be your best one yet! The sky is full of energy, movement, and star glow. It contrasts so nicely with your still, quiet homes of sleeping people. Great cypress tree, and just the right amount of detail on your hills and fields. I love it! Absolutely LOVE it! Great job.
- Mama Leigh(fan) on November 18, 2020
Excellent shading and aerial perspective, Eli! I love your happy jack-o-lantern, and that you’re learning new techniques!
- Mama Leigh(fan) on November 18, 2020