Hi Charlie - This picture is great! The "Rainbow of Love" spells Charlie. You are a rainbow of love. See you soon
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
Hi Charlie! I like your Lots of leprechauns picture. It makes me happy!
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
Hi Charlie Nice rainbow art! Love Grandpa
- Grandpa on May 5, 2021
Hi Charlie - Four snowmen are looking at me! I like the use of all the colors. It makes me think of snowy days and making snowmen
- Grammy on May 27, 2021
Hi Charlie, What a cool perspective for the snowmen! It feels like I fell down and they are all coming to see if I am OK. Keep up the good work! Love Grandpa
- Grandpa on May 27, 2021
Hi Charlie ! WOW I love your penguin. He looks so happy on his ice shelf. Is he a rockhopper penguin or a chinstrap penguin or an Emperor? Whatever his species, he is great - Love grammy
- Grammy on May 5, 2021
Good Morning Charlie! What I nice happy penguin. I like the colors you have for him on ice and snow. Very cool ha ha Love Grandpa
- Grandpa on May 5, 2021
I LOVE! your I am not just a scribble! artwork. When I look at it, I see a a very happy little creature. What do you see? Love grammy
- Karen on December 19, 2020
Hi Charlie, Thanks for sharing your artwork! Pretty arrangement you made! See you later, Grandpa
- Grandpa(fan) on December 19, 2020
Hi Charlie, What a fun little guy! Love Grandpa
- Grandpa(fan) on December 19, 2020
Hi Charlie, So fun to keep getting your artwork! Your letters are really looking good. I am wondering who this yellow guy is. He looks pretty happy. Love Grandpa
- Bruce on November 11, 2020
Hi Charlie- I love your primary/secondary color beetles. They are much cuter that the dead bugs on our windowsills! You are doing a great job on your artwork. I look forward to seeing more. Grammy
- Grammy on November 11, 2020
I love your primary secondary color bugs. These are the kind of bugs that I like! Keep p the great work.
- Grammy on November 11, 2020
This is a great monster face.heis a great Halloween guy.
- Grammy on November 11, 2020
Hi Charlie! This is ahappy sketch book cover. I like the yellow happy face with big teeth.i like how you printed your name. Love grammy
- Grammy on November 11, 2020
Hi Charlie I love this guy! Nice job on making him look good. Love Grandpa
- Grandpa(fan) on October 27, 2020
WOW! Your primary/secondary bugs are beautiful. Thank-you for sharing your happy colored bugs. I look forward to your next project. Have a great week at school. Love-Grammy
- Grammy on October 15, 2020
wow Charlie! Those are cute. I am glad they have smiles or I would feel really buggy! :) Love Grandpa
- Grandpa(fan) on October 15, 2020
I love seeing all your artwork Charlie. Thanks for sharing it with us.
- Grammy(fan) on October 15, 2020
Hi Charlie, your colorful hands made me smile. Thanks for sharing! Love Grandpa
- Grandpa(fan) on October 15, 2020
Hi Charlie, Nice job with different shades of green and an interesting picture of circles. Love Grandpa
- Grandpa(fan) on October 15, 2020
This one is really cool how you have cut shapes and then made other shapes. Grandpa
- Grandpa(fan) on October 15, 2020
Hi Charlie - really fun to see the art you are making. keep it up! Love Grandpa
- Grandpa(fan) on October 15, 2020
Green! Your favorite color. Great job.
- Grammy(fan) on October 15, 2020
Nice first self portrait!
- Grammy(fan) on October 15, 2020
This is a great piece of work! I can tell that you worked hard on it. Thanks for sharing it. I look forward to seeing more of your projects.