Colin11300's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Colin11300's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Colin, you've included so many interesting details on your unicorn. We especially appreciate his 3-dimensional eyes, his long eyelashes, the swirls on his horn, his mouthful of teeth, and your many colorful touches.
- Grandma & Grandpa on February 24, 2021
Your unicorn looks like such a character! I love his expression!
- Deborah (Mother) on October 28, 2020
Colin, you've packed so many interesting images into your Halloween picture. We especially like the kitty cat, candy corn, and other goodies around your ghostly pumpkin. Love, Grandma & Grandpa
- Grandma & Grandpa on October 21, 2020
Your picture looks so spooky, Colin! I especially love all of the detailed pictures and your creepy spider!!!
- Deborah (Mother) on October 15, 2020
What a vibrant mosaic you've created, Colin! How cool that your name is camouflaged within it!
- Grandma & Grandpa on October 7, 2020
I LOVE your name/color collage! I like the shapes that you used for your name and the way you colored it in. Very nice!
- Deborah (Mother) on September 24, 2020
You show a lot of imagination in your artwork, Colin. Love your smile!
- Grandma & Grandpa on September 23, 2020
Very cool, Colin! I love the face you drew of yourself and all of the shades of green that you used. Very nice!
- Deborah (Mother) on September 15, 2020