Brynn2843's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Brynn2843's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Brynn, You drew a beautiful eye. Love the color's you chose, especially the Purple. Love, G.G.
- G.G. on April 20, 2022
Brynn, Excellent choices of colors. I love they way you painted each circle a different color. To me it looks like a beautiful flower. Love, G.G.
- G.G. on March 30, 2022
Brynn, This is a beautiful picture, I especially love the glitter you added and the owl in the tree. Great job. Love, G.G.
- G.G. on December 8, 2021
Brynn, Wow oh Wow. Your Peacock is absolutely divine!! Excellent job. Love, G.G.
- G.G. on November 11, 2021
Brynn, What a colorful Elephant head. The heart in the center and flower on its ear are a beautiful addition. Love, G.G.
- G.G. on November 11, 2021
Brynn, Great Job, Love, G.G.
- G.G. on November 11, 2021
Brynn, Another great job, Love, G.G.
- G.G. on November 11, 2021
Brynn, Very cute! Charlotte is hanging awful close to Wilbur! Great job. Love, G.G.
- G.G. on November 11, 2021
Brynn, I love your pumpkins. The design and color you added is beautiful. You are very creative. Love, G.G.
- G.G. on September 29, 2021
Brynn Excellent drawing of your horse. I love it!! You have improved in your drawing Love G.G.
- G.G. on August 18, 2021
Brynn, That is an absolutely beautifully drawn horse. I love it!! Love, G.G.
- G.G. on August 18, 2021
Brynn, Your flower is absolutely gorgeous. I love the color and the swirls in the color. Excellent job. You are very creative. Love, G.G.
- G.G. on May 27, 2021
Brynn, Romero Britto is very handsome. I loved how you added "B's" to the left side. Plus your designs on each of his ears, hands, and feet. Great job!!! Love, G.G.
- G.G. on May 27, 2021
Brynn, I love how you used a dark piece of paper to draw your stars and moon. Very creative. Love, G.G.
- G.G. on April 21, 2021
Brynn, I love your starry night picture. The Cactus looks just like Grant and Kara's. Great Job. Love, G.G.
- G.G. on April 21, 2021
Brynn Your drawing is very colorful. I love all your animals especially the one in the pond. Love G.G.
- G.G. on March 12, 2021
Brynn, Cute pumpkin!. There are a lot of circle dots. I like the patterns your created in each segment. G.G.
- Julie(fan) on December 29, 2020
Brynn, Not sure if this is a Dog or a Cat. However I love the nose. Making a heart is a great idea. G.G.
- Julie(fan) on December 29, 2020
Brynn, This is a beautiful flower. I like how you have different colors on the leaves. G.G.
- Julie(fan) on December 29, 2020
Brynn, The columns are nicely drawn. The birds are a nice addition. The dog looks very happy. G.G.
- Julie(fan) on December 29, 2020
Brynn, your poppy's are beautiful. I love how you colored the center. Allowing some of the white to show through. G.G.
- Julie(fan) on December 29, 2020