Gabriel22591's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Gabriel22591's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Definitely a Beyblade!! great job, looks like a very speedy one.
- Alfredo (Father) on November 11, 2020
Great drawing!! I like how the sun is hiding behind the house creating those great colors in the sky.
- Alfredo (Father) on November 11, 2020
Is this a dragon!
- Juliana (Mother) on November 11, 2020
This house looks spoookyyyyy! I like the colors of the sky!
- Juliana (Mother) on November 11, 2020
Great artwork Gabi!!! we had fun running with it in our hand and making it spin.
- Alfredo (Father) on October 26, 2020
Cool ninja monster - I love it!!
- Juliana (Mother) on October 7, 2020