Alexander29946's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Alexander29946's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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WOW, so amazing!
- Linda on February 15, 2025
This looks delicious! I love chocolate! Yummy!
- Linda on February 15, 2025
Well this is AWESOME!!! Love it!
- Linda on February 15, 2025
Very pretty. I would like to walk here! I love the trees!
- Linda on February 15, 2025
Alex, I really like this! Paul would love it too. His favorite color is red!
- Linda on February 15, 2025
Dear Alex, This is a mysterious drawing and kind of scary. I see a dark sky with blackbirds flying towards me, a black spider hanging down and a pink pig galloping toward a water trough. This depiction invites the viewer to wonder what is happening. Isn't it fun to direct the emotions of your viewers by what you show them? You could write a story including this scene, or you could make it into a cartoon strip and tell the story. Your art is always interesting. Love, Granny and Gramps
- Granny on November 18, 2020
Dear Alex, We like your happy drawing of a tree house. Your use of colors and textures makes me want to climb up those steps and open that little door to see what is inside. Maybe you could make a drawing of the inside of your tree house. I notice that the wind is blowing by the position of the tire swing and the green leaves of the tree look like they are tossing in all directions. Keep going on showing us more about this tree house--everyone loves a tree house! And we love you, Granny and Gramps
- Granny on November 18, 2020
Dear Alex, Your drawing of the cross on Easter moning is very special. The rising sun, the empty cross , the discarded crown of thorns and palm branch reveal that it is Easter morning. The simplicity of your drawing is very powerful. The message it reveals is made stronger by focusing on a few items, uncluttered by excess detail. You are managing you use of pencils and colors very well. Love, Granny and Gramps
- Granny on November 18, 2020
Dear Alex, What an interesting drawing of a castle. I like the details you showed in the different construction materials and the background. The perspective you showed for the castle causes me to wonder if this an imaginary castle you dreamed of. Great work! Love, Granny and Gramps
- Granny on November 18, 2020
I love your art, Alex!! Keep up the good work :)
- Beth on November 18, 2020
Dear Alex, What a delightful painting. Overlapping the three girls shows us that they are friends and their friendship makes them strong. Their facial expressions are very individual. The eyes of the one on the left look happy and that she is eager to do something. The middle girl looks angry or worried, and the eyes of the girl on the right look somewhat cautious and calm at the same time. Wouldn't you like to meet them? Isn't it amazing how the small differences in their eyes tell a story? You managed your paints very well. Gramps and I hope you enjoy making your artworks as much as we enjoy seeing them. Love, Granny
- Granny on February 26, 2020
Dear Alex, Your cave painting is very interesting. I like your use of color. It makes your painting look like it could have been found in a cave. The man with an ax and the animals look very authentic. I wonder what would happen if you dropped you cave painting somewhere such as beside a creek or next to a tree in a rocky area and long after someone found it. They would be very excited. Artworks do not just disappear--they change the world. Gramps and I so enjoy seeing your work. Love, Granny
- Granny on February 26, 2020
Dear Alex, Your Notan Heart is so interesting. It must have taken skill and patience to do the cutting and pasting. It looks like an insect from another planet with its two antennae and an assortment of legs sticking out. Be careful who you send this valentine to! You show great creativity and skill in your artworks. Gramps and I enjoy seeing each new endeavor. Love, Granny
- Granny on February 26, 2020
Dear Alex, Your cardinal in the snow makes me feel all good inside. Cardinals visit our gardens every day. You captured the personality of this guy very well. They are very curious and friendly birds, and they look beautiful in all kinds of weather. I like the snow and evergreen branches. Do you notice things in a different way because of your art projects? Now I will think of your lovely picture whenever I see a Redbird. Making art or viewing art opens the eyes of the artist and the person observing the art. Thank you for the happy times looking at your artworks. Love, Granny
- Granny on February 26, 2020
Dear Alex, Your owl is so special. He has so much personality, especially the way his eyes engage with the viewer. I like the colors you used and applied so well. I can see that you are mastering the art of shaping clay. He would be a happy sight to wake up to in the morning. Gramps and I enjoy seeing your artworks. Love, Granny and Gramps
- Granny And Gramps on January 8, 2020
Dear Alex, Your drawing tells a funny story making me wonder what happened to the toy mouse with his head ripped off. Your Santa Pup is also wondering what happened, but is not saying a word. Your drawing draws the viewer into your picture, and maybe even stirs up memories of their own Christmas Days many years ago. Great art touches people in the feelings and memories. Thank you for sharing with us, Granny and Gramps
- Granny And Gramps on November 25, 2019
Dear Alex, We love your Halloween black cat. He is very interesting because I can't decide whether he is trying to stare me down, or if he is waiting to see what someone puts in his trick or treat bag, or maybe he is thinking that he already ate TOO MUCH CANDY. I like art works that can be interpreted in different ways. I hope he stays at your house a long time. Love, Granny and Gramps
- Granny And Gramps on November 7, 2019
Dear Alex, I wonder if the people in the French chapel found it difficult to pay attention to the preacher while they were looking at the interesting stained glass windows. You made an excellent Matisse style art work. I like the colors you chose and the care you took with cutting, arranging and pasting. It is so fun for Gramps and me to see your creations. Love, Granny and Gramps.
- Granny And Gramps on November 7, 2019
Dear Alex, We love your handsome fox art work. You show great skill in the way you use your pencils and paints. Your pencil strokes makes the fox's fur looks great. The way you drew his eyes shows that he is happy and content, like someone posing for a portrait. You painted a beautiful tree and grass. The colors you chose tell me that it is autumn--my favorite time of year. Thank you for sharing your artwork with us. Love, Granny and Gramps
- Granny And Gramps on November 7, 2019
Dear Alex, What an interesting painting! We love Monet's paintings, and we love it that you are meeting such amazing artists through their work. You captured the colors and the motion of the water and the effect of the sunset on the color of the water. We like the way you left areas of white to show the action of the waves. The next time you see a body of water such as a lake, river or the sea you will be seeing it differently than before you tried on your "Monet glasses." Thank you for sharing with us. We love you, Granny and Gramps
- on September 18, 2019
Dear Alex, We are so happy to see your first Artsonia artwork. You did a fantastic job or showing your personality and appearance. It is fun to see how you are learning about famous artists and trying out their style. I like the colors you chose. They are cheerful--just like you. Learning about art is like opening birthday presents, so have a fun time with all your new art skills. Love, Granny and Gramps
-- Lucy
- on September 18, 2019