Benjamin24184's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Benjamin24184's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi, Benjamino. I really like HaHaHa. Everyone one needs a good laugh every's good for the soul. And you are so right, you do like to laugh!
- Gigi on May 22, 2024
Well, SpongeBen, your robot has Pikachu ears and hot water bottles for feet. No wonder he's mad! His tail is familiar (also Pokemon)?You are so imaginative, Benny.
- Gigi(fan) on May 8, 2024
Ben, I absolutely love this guy
- Grandma on May 8, 2024
Hey Ben, when have you started drawing pictures of your Daddy?
- Papa on May 8, 2024
Hey Ben, stop drawing pictures of PAPA!!!
- Art on April 17, 2024
I'm so proud of Ben. He has a great imagination and is very smart. I am honored to be his grandfather. Papa
- Papa(fan) on March 6, 2024
Hey, Ninja Turtle, I must comment on this piece. The two well defined insects are eating their lunch of sunflowers under the bright sun. I hope I never run into them. I really liked this...keep it up, Benjamino!
- Gigi on February 28, 2024
Benny, you outdid yourself with this work of art! There's a lot to look at, but it's not messy. I think "Ugly Man" is kind of cute. A big pumpkin smile, an order of fries for one eye, and little characters coming out of his head makes this character look friendly (and cute). Keep the art coming, Buddy...
- Gigi on February 28, 2024
Benny, I love your ‘Awkward Man’ picture! I’m not sure if he’s wearing a hat or a crown, but each of those characters are kind of cute…oh my gosh, I wonder if it’s awkward hair ?!?!? You know, I had a clumsy day today! I dropped a stack of papers on the floor AND an open box of toothpicks. Maybe you should re-title this picture ‘Awkward Grandma’ !!!!! I LOVE it that you love to draw ??
- Grandma Elaine on February 21, 2024
Benny, I LOVE your ornaments…I wish I could hang them on my Christmas tree!
- Grandma on November 22, 2023
Wow, Benny, what medium did you use? It looks like paint in the background. but not for the dragon am I right? That dragon looks mean with plenty of teeth. Does he spew fire? Great job, Bendolino.
- Gigi on June 1, 2022
Benny, is that a dinosaur egg? I think I see his eyes and a smile. Great job, sweetie.
- Gigi on April 20, 2022
Benny, the dinosaurs jump off the page. They are so well drawn. Keep it up, but maybe you can draw puppies because they don’t scare me. Kisses…
- Gigi on February 23, 2022
Ben, I really like your picture! If the dinosaurs DID come back, would you want one for a pet? Which one would you pick?
- Grandma on February 23, 2022
Hi, Benny. Your clay project must have been fun. Your color choices are new and bold. Let’s make gingerbread men/women and you can artistic flair in decorating them. Then…we eat them! Love you, Gigi oxoxox
- Gigi on December 8, 2021
What a wonderful circle. I think it looks like a sun…so many things are circle shapes! I can’t wait to see what you draw next ??
- Grandma Elaine(fan) on September 20, 2021
Benny, I love your color choices.
- Gigi(fan) on September 20, 2021
Awesome job, Benny!
- Mom on September 15, 2021