Levi9830's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Levi9830's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I really like all the colors! Great job Levi!!!!
- Pops on March 17, 2021
Levi, this is SO cool buddy!!!! You are a very good artist!
- Pops on January 27, 2021
Levi, You are a very good artist and I love looking at all your artwork! Can’t wait to see what’s next! Love you buddy! Pops
- Pops on October 21, 2020
Levi, Pops and I love getting to look at all the amazing things you have been working on in art class. Keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing your next project! Love you....KK
- KK on October 14, 2020