This is the time of year for ice cream! You have done a wonderful job with this. Proud of you!
- Grandma on November 13, 2024
Love this self portrait!
- Brianna (Mother) on April 23, 2024
Interesting piece! You continue to amaze me with your talent and imagination
- Grandma on October 11, 2023
Awesome work, Robbie. You are so talented!
- Grandma on October 11, 2023
This is great! I love the expression lines and the colors you chose to use.
- Brianna (Mother) on May 3, 2023
Great Job on your self portrait! Love the little details you chose to incorporate.
- Brianna (Mother) on March 29, 2023
Bravo, Pum! That is a beautiful poodle!!!
- Grandpa Robert on March 29, 2023
Great Job! Love your color choices.
- Momma on March 29, 2023
You are getting more and more talented, young Robert Lofton! Keep up the great work! I am so proud of you!!!
- Grandpa on November 30, 2022
Great printmaking piece Robbie!
- Mommy on November 16, 2022
Love this so much! Great job love bug ??
- Brianna (Mother) on September 22, 2022
Beautiful job, Pum!!!
- Grandpa on September 22, 2022
Wow! That windmill look’s like it’s moving. You can see the motion of the wind. Great job
- Brianna (Mother) on April 14, 2022
That pizza looks delicious, Pum!!!
- Grandpa on April 14, 2022
Wow! This sundae looks so good! A lot like the cookie sundae you make at home??
- Brianna (Mother) on February 2, 2022
You have put together a consistent body of work, Pum. Grandpa has all of them on his wall. I am so proud of you! Continue to improve and perhaps the world will one day the world will love your works of as Grandpa does.
- Grandpa on February 2, 2022
Great Gecko, Pum!
- Grandpa on February 2, 2022
This is so great! Love the colors you used??
- Brianna (Mother) on December 29, 2021
Hey Robbie! I look forward to each masterpieces. This is an interesting one. Great job!
- Grandma on February 2, 2022
Great job, Robbie. You are talented
- Grandma on February 2, 2022
Beautiful robot, Pum! You are getting very good. I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work!
- Grandpa on February 2, 2022
This is my favorite masterpiece yet! Great work, son!
- Robert (Father) on February 25, 2021
Outstanding self-portrait, Pum! You are almost as good as your dad. Keep up the good work, you will be there soon.
- Grandpa on February 25, 2021
Great job! I love your patterns??
- Brianna (Mother) on February 9, 2021
Very nice Oven Mitt, Pum! You are getting very good, Young man!
- Grandpa on February 25, 2021
Love the colors you picked. Great job on your birds.
- Brianna (Mother) on January 25, 2021
Very good eyes, Pum. Your detail is getting better. Keep up the good work.
- Grandpa on January 25, 2021
Wow. You are getting much better, Pum! Very nice birdies!
- Grandpa on January 25, 2021
Great job Robbie. Love your artistic flare
- Grandma on November 25, 2020
Magnificient work, Pum!!!
- Grandpa on November 18, 2020
Wow! This one is wonderful. I love your color choices.
- Grams on November 18, 2020
Robbie, I love this picture! You are so artistic and creative with your colors. I especially like the furry tails.
- Grams on November 18, 2020
Another great piece!
- Robert on November 6, 2020
Great job!
- Brianna (Mother) on October 3, 2020
- Daddy on October 3, 2020
Beautiful art, Robbie!
- Robert (Father) on September 15, 2020
Excellent job, Pum! The colors are vibrant and well-coordinated. You also did a great job of staying in the lines. I see flashes of your dad when he was your age. A virtual chip off the ole block. Keep up the good work young man. Grandpa loves you!