Brian1053's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Brian1053's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good Job!
-- Maggie
- on May 8, 2013
My new fave! Nice work B!
-- Rob
- on January 20, 2013
Very nice!
-- Rob
- on August 17, 2012
-- Maggie
- on March 24, 2011
Hi Brian - Your Cardinals look so happy in (winter time.) They are so content to set on their branch and enjoy the beauty around them! Love you, Grandma Jane
-- Jane
- on January 17, 2011
Brian was very excited when he brought home this pinch pot. He even made a fly for it's mouth!
-- Maggie
- on December 10, 2010
I love that this was a multi-step project! We will definitely miss Mrs Kulas next year. I hope the new art teacher will also be able to take time to post featured work on the artsonia site.
-- Maggie
- on May 3, 2010
I think this is one of my favorites this year. We went to Lion King this year as a family and I think it will always remind me of that great night out.
-- Maggie
- on May 3, 2010
Love this particular piece. It really shows what Brian spends time thinking about. And the hair on the profile is perfect - he always seems to have a little bed head rooster tail :)
-- Maggie
- on May 3, 2010
Hi Brian :-) This is my very favorite of your art work this year, I will put it on my computer to enjoy! Keep up the good work and stay Green. I love you, Gramma Judy
-- Judy
- on April 9, 2010
I still have this snowman on my background for my computer. Seems to fit our snowy weather!
-- Maggie
- on February 9, 2010
Unfortunately, from this drawing, you wouldn't know that Brian spent many hours at summer camp during his break. This picture of the TV (yes we are old fashioned with the antenna) is about playing video games. I feel a lot more justified in my decision to restrict video games to being a weekend only activity during the school year.
- on September 1, 2009
I love this one. We recently saw some of Pollock's work when we were at the art museum in DSM, though I am doubtful that Brian remembered who he was. Another Great Job Brian!!
- on May 8, 2009
oh, a new favorite. Great job Brian!
- on May 8, 2009
Brian was very excited about this particular project and talked about flamingos at home. He knew that they were pink from eating shrimp and shared this fun fact with the family.
- on April 9, 2009
This is the piece of Brian's artwork that was displayed in Downtown Des Moines as a part of Catholic Schools week.
- on February 2, 2009
I'm very excited to see Brian's angel artwork. He has been talking about it periodically at home - which really means something as he usually isn't so forthcoming with school information. He really seems to have an interest in art. - maggie
- on September 19, 2008
Hi Brian, this is a very interesting picture and would love to learn more about what everything is. I hope to see you at the end of the month when you are at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Monica xoxo
- on May 16, 2008
One of my favorites!
- on April 22, 2008
Hi Brian, I love the butterfly. Is your favorite color orange? Miss you and hope you visit MN soon! Love, Monica xoxoxo
- on April 16, 2008
So....Brian where are your people in this picture, I would like to hear the story about them. Maybe your Mother can write for me when you tell her about it. I enjoy getting your are work Love Gramma
- on March 13, 2008
Brian, I love your fish, they look just like the ones Grammpa and I saw when we were in Hawaii. I hope that I can come to your school some day to visit you there. I love you X O Gramma Judy
- on February 2, 2008
Brian I love the snow man you made, remember when we made on in Gramma's backyard? Maybe we can do it again next time you come. Be good never know when Santa will peek in the window. Love Gramma Judy
- on December 7, 2007
Hi Brian I love you new painting of the pumpkin....jack o'lantern and will make a copy to put on the refreigerater. I love you, Gramma Judy
- on October 25, 2007
Hi Brian I love to see your art work and it will be fun to put new painting on my refriegerater, keep up the good work and I look forward to more. Love you Gramma Judy
- on October 8, 2007