Aniston224's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Aniston224's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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That looks like a fun project. I love snowflakes and my favorite color is blue, so this is right up my alley. Cute mini marshmallows. Love, Auntie Holly
- Auntie Holly on January 10, 2024
What a cool mosaic style! Really like this.
- Auntie Holly on September 20, 2023
I bet this project was fun to do. So cute!
- Auntie Holly on September 20, 2023
This is a fun, swirly style. You know I love the color blue.
- Auntie Holly on September 20, 2023
I really like this one! Great use of space.
- Auntie Holly on September 20, 2023
I like how you showed the shading of colors.
- Auntie Holly on September 20, 2023
Love it!!!
- SANDRA (Mother) on September 5, 2023
This is so cool. It reminds me of Dr. Seuss. It’s a funnel of fun!
- Auntie Holly on January 4, 2023
Love the colors you used Aniston! very creative. Mom
- SANDRA (Mother) on February 8, 2022
I feel like I'm being watched. I like the way you showed the light reflections in the eye. The colors for the scales worked well, too.
- Auntie Holly on January 4, 2023
It looks like you're having a bad hair day. This made me laugh.
- Auntie Holly on January 4, 2023
What a cool piece of art! I love aspen trees. This makes me miss Colorado. I like the variety of colors you used for the sky and the way you showed the texture of the trees.
- Auntie Holly on January 4, 2023
Very nice! I like this one the best! (So far)
- Mr. Hugh on January 25, 2022
Very nice, Aniston. I love your choice of colors and how you blend them!
- Mr. Hugh(fan) on November 10, 2021
Love the colors you used sunshine!
- SANDRA (Mother) on March 17, 2021
Hi Aniston. Thank you for sharing your artwork with me. Why do I suddenly feel like having some ice cream? I think the coloring and light reflection on the cherry is my favorite part (although it's hard to pick one.) Keep up the great work! We love you.
- Auntie Holly on February 17, 2021
This looks like a fun project. I love how you used colors, patterns, and shadows to show 2D and 3D shapes. Keep up the great work!
- Auntie Holly on January 6, 2021
Uncle John and I love your picture! You did a great job with your color combinations and shadows. Lots of love.
- Auntie Holly on January 6, 2021
Loved the drawing Sunshine! Love, Mom
- SANDRA (Mother) on December 2, 2020