I love your artwork little bear. You are getting better and better with your drawing and coloring.
- Shane on December 22, 2021
I love this. This is another place I would like to explore with you!
- Wencke (Mother) on November 30, 2021
I love it!!!! The colors are cool and so are the initials.
- Wencke (Mother) on October 27, 2021
Very cool medieval art Hannah! So creative! You’re the best sweetie in the world! (You told me to say that)
- Amy on October 27, 2021
I’d love to sit in these chairs with you right now! What a cool looking room. Chairs am we’re hard to draw for me. You did so good on your chairs.
- Mom on March 1, 2021
I love this. I love the use of silver. His tail reminds me of Twinkie when we say we will be right back.
- Mom on March 1, 2021
This is very artistic and I love the little bird in the branch. Reminds me of Christmas. I love all your work.
- Wencke (Mother) on February 10, 2021
I love the orange bird enjoying a wintery day! Great job on the snowflakes, too!
- Amy on February 10, 2021
So cool that Charlotte’s Web gave you this cute inspiration to draw Wilbur. Great job. Good looking piece.
- Wencke (Mother) on November 25, 2020
This is great! One day I will take you to Rome and take a picture of you with the coliseum from this exact angle.
- Wencke (Mother) on November 25, 2020
Wow! I love these orange trees! You did a great job, I'm very impressed!
- Amy on November 25, 2020
I love all your artwork Hannah, this one is special. It tells a story. I like the Pringles man feeding the fish. You always do a good job drawing and coloring your artwork. I think you have a bright future in art, if artwork is your passion you should continue to draw and express yourself artistically. Papa ??
- Papa(fan) on September 2, 2020
What a great piece of work. And I like how you used the Pringles can that was sitting on your desk as inspiration for the man feeding the fish!