Interesting technique! Looks like a football field with fans in red shirts in the stands!! I bet the artist whose style you are using would be very happy to know you are experimenting with her techniques!!
- Bugs on March 11, 2022
I really like your new piece of art. It shows lots of movement with interesting line placement. Your choice of cool colors makes me think of a pool of water with ripples moving from the center out to the edge. Nicely done, Wes!
- Bugs on March 11, 2022
I love your Chinese New Year Tiger!! His face is very expressive. Lovely lanterns in the background, too! Maybe he will bring us luck for 2022! If I make him into a T-shirt everybody will think I am a Bengals fan!! Nice work, Wes.
- Bugs on February 9, 2022
You are becoming quite the little artists! Good job Wes!
- Mimi on February 2, 2022
Great tiger, Wes! I love his eyes and intense stare! ;)
- Aunt Didi on February 2, 2022
This is an excellent drawing of the bowl of apples and oranges. Your colors are wonderful and your shapes are very realistic. Nice composition. Cezanne would be happy to know that his art is being studied and appreciated by so many people!
- Bugs(fan) on December 15, 2021
I love this, Wes. It makes me think of the fox family on my roof in Flagstaff! The next time we talk you will have to tell me all about this latest masterpiece. I love the trees and all of the details in the foreground. Very nice use of color and scale, too! I had a luggage tag made from this so that every time I pack my suitcase I will think of you!
- Bugs(fan) on December 15, 2021
What a cool picture! It looks like a map of a town! I love that style map - I have one of a town in South Africa hanging by my computer station. Yours is very imaginative. I love it!!
- Bugs(fan) on October 27, 2021
Great eye roll!!! I think your expression on your emu's face is perfect! I feel like that all the time so I think I will have to get a shirt made with your emu portrait on the front. It is priceless! Thanks for making my day!!
- Bugs(fan) on October 27, 2021
The 3 little pigs looking out the windows!! Great drawing. Love the wolf. Nice job for such a fun subject.
- Bugs(fan) on October 27, 2021
Great face!!! Looks just like a sarcophagus should look! Nice job with colors, too!
- Bugs(fan) on October 27, 2021
Love the thought of making your branches come to life this year! I think your ornaments are beautiful!!
- Bugs(fan) on October 27, 2021
Great drawing, Wes! Love the detail of the ornaments, and can't wait to do some decorating together at Christmas!!
- Aunt Didi on October 20, 2021
Super job on the the details son. You did a great job filling in the beach ball.
- Dad (Father) on September 1, 2021
Like your beach scene. The sky is a great color! I think I like the crab's eyes the best!
- Bugs(fan) on September 1, 2021
Very cool totem pole!
- Bugs(fan) on September 1, 2021
Beautiful chameleon! Bright colors make this a very eye-catching scene! He looks like he's enjoying a tasty bug...
- Bugs(fan) on September 1, 2021
I've always wanted to go here, Wes. Your drswing makes me feel like I am there!! This is my favorite drawing, so far, of all the ones you've done. The pyramids are very well done! The sun looks hot and the camels add so much to your drawing. Very colorful and balanced. Excellent job!!!
- Bugs(fan) on September 1, 2021
What a fabulous drawing, Wes! I love the pyramids and the details on the camels. Well done!!!
- Aunt Didi on August 25, 2021
Great job, Wes! I love the crab!!
- Aunt Didi on August 25, 2021
That is a cool bear!! With just those few lines you made him look just right. I like the patterns on the different parts of his body. I also like that different colors are used instead of just one color on his body - it makes it a much more interesting picture!!
- Bugs on May 25, 2021
I like your patterned puppy! Very expressive color choices, too! very bold piece of artwork. It is wonderful to see you trying so many different styles!! nice job!
- Bugs on May 25, 2021
Great colors, Wes. Well done!!
- Aunt Didi on May 25, 2021
Love your teddy bear. Very colorful. It that a hat? He is so cute I just want to reach out and give him a hug!
- Mimi on May 12, 2021
What a great drawing, Wes!! Love the colors on the bear!
- Aunt Didi on May 12, 2021
I want you to tell me the inspiration for this the next time we talk! It appears to me to be a dinosaur or dragon or giant lizard on a swing!! Am I right?! I love all your artwork, Wes. You are getting so much better at drawing this year. Is this from a story you read?
- Bugs(fan) on March 14, 2021
Love all your animals! They have found a nice warm place to hide from the falling snow. Good job with all the details, Wes! It makes the picture very interesting.
- Bugs(fan) on March 14, 2021
Cold day in the snow!! My picture is not very big so I can't make out all the details - is your red cardinal landing on the small snowman? I love all the details!! You put a lot of time into this, Wes. Good job!
- Bugs(fan) on March 14, 2021
A herd of unicorns!! I bet you drew the one in the middle for your sister! You are really getting good at adding details to your art. Very nicely done!
- Bugs(fan) on March 14, 2021
Nice, Wes! I like your color choices. I am doing a quilt with all sorts of different colored circles, but I haven't finished it yet because it was taking a long time. You have inspired me to go back and dig it out to work on it again. Nice job!
- Bugs(fan) on March 14, 2021
Are those the trees from the Lorax?!! My favorite Dr. Seuss book because the Lorax speaks for the trees! You did a great job with the composition, Wes. Some trees are close and some are faraway and the colors are wonderful!! Nice job. I just had a bunch of your artwork printed to make a quilt before this was posted. I will go back and have this printed as I think it is my favorite so far!! Good job!
- Bugs(fan) on March 14, 2021
I love your cardinal, Wes!! He looks very happy singing on his nice comfy tree branch. You got the crown on his head at just the right angle. The pine needles are very well done, too.
- Bugs(fan) on March 14, 2021
That is a beautiful drawing, Wes! I want to go there!! I like your mountain under the beautiful blue sky. The trees and fields leading to it are well done. It looks like palm trees are growing there! You have plants in different colors, too, just like in nature. Very well done!!
- Bugs on January 27, 2021
I love this, Wes! Now that I saw the title of your piece, I understand it even better. I always liked Miro's style of art when I studied modern art in high school. You have done a great job making a drawing in his style. Someday maybe we can go to the museum in Spain where they have lots of his art on display!! Good job. Can't wait to see more!
- Bugs on January 13, 2021
Great snowman, Wes! Hopefully you can build one in Flagstaff before Christmas!
- Aunt Didi(fan) on December 23, 2020
What a great drawing, Wes! Maybe we can go on a balloon ride sometime!!
- Aunt Didi(fan) on December 23, 2020
Is this a caterpillar with lots of legs? He is very colorful! Your drawing is getting better with each picture!!
- Bugs(fan) on December 16, 2020
Are these people floating in outer space? I see stars and a planet! You will have to tell me the story behind this picture the next time you see me. I love your colors!!
- Bugs(fan) on December 16, 2020
Pretty flower! Is that your garden? I like the colors. It makes the flower look more real to have slightly different colored petals. Nice work!
- Bugs(fan) on December 16, 2020
This looks fun! I would love to be in a hot air balloon above some mountains - as long as it wasn't too windy! The person in the basket must be having a fun ride. Great picture!
- Bugs(fan) on December 16, 2020
Brrr! This makes me feel cold when I look at it! You made a great snowman, too!
- Bugs(fan) on December 16, 2020
That is a beautiful leaf! I would like to be in a whole forest of those. It reminds me of one of the leaves we made out of coffee filters that day you had school in Papa's office. I love your color choices.
- Bugs(fan) on December 16, 2020
This looks like a place that I would like to hike at! I bet you could get to the top faster than me! Nice work getting the mountain to look big and far away. I think you made a cool picture!!
- Bugs(fan) on December 16, 2020
I just found some of your art! This is a beautiful tree. It reminds me of the tree of life at Disney World! I hope we get to go there again soon! This looks like a watercolor since the colors are transparent and so bright. You did a nice job!