Keira3842's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Keira3842's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is só cute!!! Swimming in the ocean with fish all around. I love it!!!
- Grandma June on November 16, 2022
Love it!!!!! All cows should be rainbow cows!
- Tannie Charan on November 9, 2022
That is beautiful! I think we should go on a beach holiday! The whole family!
- Tannie Charan on November 9, 2022
Great job again! I love this friendly little monster! He’s full of love I see! Keep up the good work! Auntie Chrishanda
- Aunty Chrishanda(fan) on November 9, 2022
Well done Keira! Great work here too! Love the Tin man or is it an Astronaut. Doesn’t matter, it’s great artwork!
- Aunty Chrishanda(fan) on November 9, 2022
Great work on this art piece too, Sweetheart! I love the use of colors here. Wished I was this creative! Auntie Chrishanda
- Aunty Chrishanda(fan) on November 9, 2022
Great job Keira! I love the flowers and all the bright colors! You’re an awesome artist! Auntie Chrishanda
- Aunty Chrishanda(fan) on November 9, 2022
A yellow daisy flower for happiness! A red tulip flower for love! Four hearts for even more love! I love this painting with the royal blue background! It is such a happy painting! You are a little VAN GOGH!!! I love this painting!!!
- Grandma June(fan) on November 9, 2022
Great job! You got the eyes just perfect!! ????
- Grandma Linda(fan) on May 1, 2021
I have an apron just like this, with cupcakes on it. Great job!!
- Grandma Linda(fan) on May 1, 2021
I love all the colors, great job!!????
- Grandma Linda(fan) on May 1, 2021
This is so good!!! Cute face ??
- Aunty Mereille(fan) on May 1, 2021
You did a great job !!!
- Aunty Mereille(fan) on May 1, 2021
What a beautiful piece!!!! Great job. ??
- Aunty Mereille(fan) on May 1, 2021
You are so talented!!!! Love all the colors
- Aunty Mereille(fan) on May 1, 2021