"Wow! So talented! Looks like bona fide Aboriginal artwork you find down under"
- Zak (Father) on May 21, 2024
This is just amazing -- it jumps out at me, and the detail is incredible.
- Zak (Father) on May 20, 2024
I love this orange -- what beautiful bright colors!
- Zak (Father) on May 20, 2024
Willie, this black night, with the hints of color behind every mountain range, looks just like the night sky in Colorado, where there are no street lights to interfere with the purity of Nature. At night the moon shines on the snow just like this. Your picture is perfect, and makes me miss the nights in Colorado, when I would walk barefooted, out onto the deck, to listen to the silence of Nature. Thank you for your artwork, and never doubt your talent. Love, Grandma
- Grandma on May 20, 2024
Dear Willie, with the three dimensional fabric billowing from the wind underneath it, you have made this drawing “come alive”!! I am dazzled by your talent! Love, Grandma??
- Grandma on March 27, 2024
I always admired your artworks?? I love this artworks too! You are talent?
- Kurumi (Mother) on February 13, 2024
Willie, this is gemstone is a beauty! The form and colors in the piece (Broncos blue and orange) are magnificent. It shows your artistic talent, and brings me joy!?? Love, Grandma
- Grandma on November 29, 2023
Nice colors and patterns, Willie!
- Zak (Father) on May 10, 2023
I LOVE this guy!!! So colorful, so wild -- just awesome.
- Zak (Father) on April 22, 2023
I love the look on that chameleon's face -- and he looks so comfortable :)
- Zak (Father) on March 22, 2023
Willie, love this new one -- very colorful!
- Zak (Father) on March 22, 2023
Willie, I love your tulips with all of their color! It reminds me of when you were younger, and we colored together. I love you.
- Grandma on March 22, 2023
Dear Willie, I love your tulips!! They’re beautiful. You are becoming a very good artist. All the colors remind me of the days when you were younger, and we used to color pictures together. Keep creating! Love, Grandma!