Audrey, This should be a cartoon frame: great colors! Yellow snow! Phew!!!!! Tena
- Tena on December 21, 2024
You'll give abstract artists a run for their money with this one. Your apple is deliciously "sweet'!
- Tena on December 21, 2024
Audrey, this is GREAT! I love your color choices, excellent details and outstanding composition! You rocked this!!
- Tena on October 7, 2024
This one stumps me... Is it a door to a gnome's house? Or maybe it's Bilbo Baggins' entry door? Better give me a clue.
- Tena on June 26, 2024
Audrey, this looks like a scene from a movie "The Fall of Godzilla". Ha!
- Tena on April 10, 2024
Audrey, this picture is an amazing climax to all that you’ve learned in art class: great composition, vibrant colors and a joyful narrative. Kudos, kiddo!
- Tena on April 10, 2024
Audrey, Your drawing is utterly delightful! It's so indicative of the joy of winter snow. And, the girl's jacket is so very eye-catching! You truly rocked this one!
- Tena on April 3, 2024
Audrey, This is Spook-Tacular! – Happy Halloween! Tena
- Tena on November 1, 2023
Audrey, This is my favorite of your artwork. The geometric shape is quite interesting and reminds me of a geode or a lovely crystal, and the colors are spectacular! Well done!! Tena
- Tena on November 1, 2023
Audrey, you knocked this one out of the park! It's gorgeous: eye-catching colors, interesting design features and thoughtful composition!
- Tena on October 20, 2023
Audrey, I like your color choices for your "chicken on a nest". It reminds me of spring! Tena
- Tena on May 17, 2023
What a beautiful bird !! You are becoming quite the artist !!
- Vivian on May 17, 2023
WOW! Great colors, patterns and symmetry on these boots! So fashionable! Are they available in my size?
- Tena Litherland on March 1, 2023
Audrey, Your drawing is lovely: great colors and interesting content. I would be honored to be your valentine! Tena
- Tena on January 27, 2023
Audrey, interesting patterns on your cup: loops, dots and stripes. And, your colors really catch the viewers eye. Two handles on the cup/mug too. Unique – no spills!
- Tena on December 13, 2022
WOW! A pink, cotton candy pizza, and you know how I like cotton candy! Let's share. :-)
- Nana on November 11, 2022
Wow! Great colors! This makes a great summertime splash!
- Tena on May 18, 2022
This is my absolute favorite of all!!! Awesome job in all of your art work!
- Vivian on May 18, 2022
Audrey You are an amazing artist! Your snapping turtle is colorful and anatomically correct. Well done!
- Tena on May 4, 2022
Audrey, Your artwork gets better and better! This self-portrait is very good. I especially like the detail in your drawing: glasses, the collar on the sweater, the bangs! Keep up the good work! Tena
- Tena Litherland on March 30, 2022
Audrey, What an interesting valentine: shapes within shapes with explosions of color!
- Tena on February 23, 2022
Audrey, Great colors and shading! Tena
- Tena on January 12, 2022
Audrey, This is fabulous! The bright, complimentary colors of the mountains are a great background for the polar bear. The details of the bear's fur really make him stand out and help to focus the viewer's eye. Very well done! Tena
- Tena on January 12, 2022
Audrey, Green! Your mom's favorite color!
- Tena Litherland on November 17, 2021
Audrey, Is this a picture of fish underwater or the a representation of musical notes? Very intriguing...
- Tena on November 10, 2021
Audrey, WOW! What a fabulous atomic structure!
- Tena on November 10, 2021
Audrey, What a great turkey!
- Tena on November 10, 2021
Audrey, I really like your abstract cow -- it's so colorful. And your clouds are great!
- Tena on November 10, 2021
Audrey, And this little piggy went "weeee, weeee, weee" all the way home. Sending love to my little artist, Nana
- Tena on November 10, 2021
Audrey, I really like your mitten! It's so colorful! Nana
- Tena on November 10, 2021
Audrey, Your latest artwork, bowl of apples, is very well done! You show real artistic talent. Much love, Nana
- Tena Litherland on October 27, 2021
Audrey, A for Audrey and "A"awesome! :-) Love, Nana
- Tena on September 29, 2021
Audrey, Is this a clay model? It's piggy perfect! Love, Nana
- Tena on September 29, 2021
Audrey, The "Itsey Bitsey Spider" is perfect for Halloween! Love, Nana
- Tena on September 29, 2021
Audrey, WOW! An artist's tools! This is skillfully designed and has a wonderful palette complimentary of colors. You are very skilled!! Love, Nana
- Tena on September 29, 2021
Audrey, What lovely colors! Did you name this? Love, Nana and Papa
- Tena on September 29, 2021
Audrey, This little penguin is adorable! Good job!! Love, Nana
- Tena on September 29, 2021
Audrey, I LOVE this self portrait! You are a very good artist! Much love, Nana