Sam, what a terrific expression of Teamwork, not only with your brother, but with friends. You are doing such great work. Love you.
- GrandmaD on May 29, 2024
Such a Happy Pokemon. And, pink and purple for your sister. Great job.
- Grandma Dawalt on May 29, 2024
Sam, this is Amazing, and a total expression of your creativity. You are doing great work. So happy you enjoy art so much. Love you.
- Grandma Dawalt on May 29, 2024
Hi Sam, This design is so interesting & I love it too! You are really thinking here & I can see the beginning of your thought pattern. Reminds me of a tree of life with your favorite things & even people hanging from the limbs. Lower limb could be a Space Shuttle, then next up I chuckled because I love Santa too & he is hanging in tight with the help of his hat. In the top of your tree I see you & your brother or a friend hiding in your tree out front of your home. Then on the right limb you sre hanging by your arms & this makes me happy because we have had so much fun watching you at play! Last limb could be a bird feeder hanging off the side. All in all it is your drawing & design work! You have improved & just keep improving! So glad you enjoy your art work & so very proud of you! Very impressed!
- Grandma K on February 28, 2024
Wow! I am so excited about your Ceramic pieces! Art & design comes in all forms! Your work on these new pieces is exceptional & beautiful too! Love them so much! Keep up the great work! I can tell how much you enjoy your art & design work! Super Sam.
- Grandma K on February 28, 2024
Awesome work on Have a Poke' Valentine's Day ! You are learning & exploring & improving by leaps & bounds! It really shows this year! Love your design process! So very proud of you!
- Grandma K on February 28, 2024
Wow, terrific drawing. Looks like a hand holding a thinking cap, or smelly cheese. Lol. Or the hand could be a face with a smelly hat from with a big flying around. It is one to imagine.
- GrandmaD on December 20, 2023
This is you Sam, a kind boy. And a great artist
- GrandmaD on December 20, 2023
This is you Sam, a kind boy. And a great artist
- GrandmaD on December 20, 2023
This is one of my favorites. Looks like a happy Sam. Love you.
- GrandmaD on December 20, 2023
Beautiful. Love the Bright colors.
- GrandmaD on December 20, 2023
Wow Sam. Love this. Looks like you are working on a U Tube presentation. Love you
- GrandmaD on December 20, 2023
Sam, you make us proud. So happy to you share your art skills with us. We love you.
- GrandmaD on December 20, 2023
WOW Sam!! You're getting really good at this.
- Jack on November 22, 2023
You have done a fabulous job capturing kindness. Beautiful, as you are such a kind boy as well. Love to you ??
- GrandmaD on November 22, 2023
Wow, what great detail to the beauty of nature. Great job, dear Sam. Love you!!!
- GrandmaD on November 22, 2023
Sam, you keep getting better and better as you grow. What a handsome man you will be. I love seeing your art and Love You too!!!
- GrandmaD on November 22, 2023
Sam, this represents who you are, a kind, thoughtful, and loving boy. What a beautiful piece. We love you.
- Grandma D on November 22, 2023
Oh my Sam! I love this picture too. You are doing so very well with your art! I do think I love this one the most! Your bright color choices just truly make me Happy inside & you are drawing so well! Kindness too is very important too! Keep up the wonderful work!
- Grandma K on November 22, 2023
Sam, I just saw your Ceramic Art piece and I love it! The heart shape is gorgeous & I love the design work you included in it like the multiple holes on the sides & the way you chose your colors! They really go together so very well! I can see how much you enjoy working with the ceramics too. Not just drawing & painting! Enjoy, it is wonderful!
- Sandra on April 19, 2023
Oh Sam! Your new art design is so beautiful & I love the colors you are mixing together in this picture! The way you mixed your smaller drawings & the ones you have chosen to speak for kindness are so well drawn! Keep up the good work, you just keep getting better with each drawing!
- Sandra on April 19, 2023
Oh Sam, I really love your new Christmas tree & the new colors you have used on it! It is so beautiful.... Keep up the great work! Grandma
- Sandra on April 19, 2023
Great job Sam! He looks a lot like Grampa Dawalt. ??
- Jack on April 19, 2023
This drawing is so beautiful! The way you drew it makes me feel like I can walk right into the middle of your story drawing! I love your choice of lines and all the colors you have chosen! Keep up the good work! Very good. So glad we can see your Special Art work! Thank you for sharing with us. Grandma K
- Sandra on April 19, 2023
Oh Sam, I love your new design. I really like the way you drew the pie sitting on your hand and it looks real! Is it a blueberry pie? Keep up the great work. I love the bird flying by the pie and even the eyeball on the left side of the pie! Is that you peeking at your piece of pie? Great design work! Keep on practicing! WOW! Grandma K
- Sandra on April 19, 2023
I love the way you mix your drawings & place them in different areas on your picture! You have a very good eye for selecting your colors you use! It makes your drawings stand out so much more when you do this! Keep practicing please your pieces are so beautiful! Hugs Grandma K
- Sandra on April 19, 2023
Sam what a gorgeous mural you have made of your name! You have done a wonderful job with your choice of colors & the mini drawings you designed inside each of your letters in your name! I am so very proud of you & how hard you try to do such good work! Keep up the art & design work! Hugs, Grandma K
- Sandra on April 19, 2023
Oh Sam, I love the way you designed your beautiful flowers in this picture and the wooley worm in the lower right corner! The amazing colors you mixed in the sky brighten your whole picture up and wrap your beautiful flowers in a gorgeous blanket! Keep up the great work! Hugs
- Grandma Kinnett on April 19, 2023
Hi Sam, I was so excited to see your 2 new drawings! They are so beautiful and your drawing skills are getting better all the time. You have an excellent eye for colors and mix them so well! Keep up the great work! Love you and enjoy your art so much! Hugs
- Grandma Kinnett on April 19, 2023
Nice job Sam! Looking great.
- Pappa Jack on April 19, 2023
You are doing such a great job with your drawing and choosing your colors! Awesome! Enjoy??
- Grandma Kinnett on February 17, 2021
I love your parrott. He is beautiful. You draw very well. Keep practicing. It is fun to design all kinds of things. ??
- Grandma Kinnett on February 17, 2021
Oh, what a treat to see your beautiful drawing. You have done a wonderful job. I think your drawing looks like your little sister! Please keep up your special design work. You do such a wonderful job! Hugs,?
- Grandma Kinnett on February 17, 2021
Twin butterflies, just like you and Will. Always hanging together. Best buddies. Love Grandma and Papa Dawalt
- Grandma and Papa Dawalt on February 17, 2021
Sam, is this your mommy cooking? Very pretty like your mommy. Love Grandma and Papa Dawalt
- Grandma and Papa Dawalt on February 17, 2021
Great job Same. Did you name Parrot? Love Grandma and Papa
- Grandma and Papa Dawalt on February 17, 2021
Sam, we love your pictures. You are a good little Artist. Thanks for sharing these with us. Love Grandma and Papa Dawalt
- Grandma and Papa Dawalt on February 17, 2021
What a beautiful picture. I love the way you mixed your shapes and lines. The colors you chose are so pretty! Great job! GK