Tyson2776's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Tyson2776's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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So pretty!
- Mom on January 21, 2022
Looks great! We knew it was a sunset before we read it. Super job!
- Pa And Dunner on October 13, 2021
Looks beautiful!!
- Marcie (Mother) on September 16, 2021
Good job Ty! Crazy eyes the Owl!
- Pa And Dunner on September 16, 2021
Looks great!
- Pa And Dunner on April 28, 2021
Good job bub!!
- Marcie (Mother) on March 11, 2021
Really good Ty! His smile reminds me of your smile! Love you! Pa
- Pa And Dunner on March 11, 2021
That looks like a friendly critter for sure! Good job! getting better at staying in the lines! Pa
- Pa And Dunner on February 17, 2021
This is AWESOME Tyson!! I love it-Dunner
- Pa And Dunner on February 17, 2021
Good job! Pa likes to see your artwork!
- Montie on October 7, 2020
Giraffe's are so cool! They eat the leaves from the top of the trees!
- Montie on September 16, 2020
That's more hair than Pa has on his head!
- Montie on September 16, 2020
Giraffes are my favorite!! This looks so good!!!
- Marcie (Mother) on September 10, 2020
Good job bub! ??
- Marcie (Mother) on September 10, 2020
Look at those big eyes! Maybe you and Chance can catch his brother out back of Mommy’s house?
- Pa And Dunner on August 20, 2020
You are doing such a good job! This looks great!!
- Pa And Dunner on August 20, 2020
Good job! Looks like you had fun doing this. Your coloring is getting better! Good job staying in the lines.
- Pa And Dunner on August 20, 2020