Ahhh so cute :} ohh and I miss uuuuu </3 - erika stark -- Erika
- on September 30, 2011
very coolies :) -- Amanada
- on September 30, 2011
nice octopus, very colorful! -- Amanda
- on September 30, 2011
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...look at your hedgehog, he's sooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!! -- Amanda
- on September 30, 2011
I love this one and look your hedgehog is in it with you...yay!!!!!!! -- Amanda
- on September 30, 2011
soooooooooooooooo Cuteeeeeeeeeeee! -- Amanda
- on September 30, 2011
Ms Matt, this is soooooo cute and it matches Valentine's day way toooo perfectly...miss you :) <3 : - p -- Amanda
- on September 30, 2011
Wow Mrs. Matt thats awsome! -- Serena
- on February 2, 2011
Wow this is amazing! I was just browsing and this caught my eye...... -- Emily
- on February 2, 2011
This is pretty!! -- Gabriela
- on February 2, 2011
your an AWESOME art teacher it makes me wish i had art every day (to give me more time on projects)!!!!!!!!!!
- on February 4, 2010
sar du good job
- on February 4, 2010
your really good at drawing
- on February 4, 2010
you look awesome lol
- on February 4, 2010
good job
- on February 4, 2010
I like the diffrent kinds of d's
- on October 9, 2009
even though it is blurred you still look the same! miss ya - freshy
- on October 9, 2009
this is so cool! - erika (nowa days aka Freshy)
- on October 9, 2009
nice job! Hows it goin i was wondering is there a way i could someday help teach your class? we need to catch up! - Erika (your best student, yeah rite lol)
- on October 9, 2009
that looks really hard to do...how'd you make it so exact yet not stiff?
- on September 16, 2009
Hey, Ms. Matt!!! How u been! I really <3 this picture!!! It's sooooo real....How do u do that????
- on August 30, 2009
Nice Base awsome job
- on June 9, 2009
those shoes are stacked high... cool
- on June 9, 2009
Good job Ms.Matt
- on April 24, 2009
this peice of art is so cool. - erika
- on April 11, 2009
That is so cool
- on November 20, 2008
Is that Mr. Pringles?
- on November 20, 2008
I like Cards
- on November 20, 2008
This is really crative Ms. Matt i like this piture
- on November 20, 2008
- on October 9, 2008
wow this is great ! ur a great artist and art teacher ! im going to miss you next year !! love, alanna
- on October 9, 2008
just keep drawing, just keep drawing, just keep drawing, drawing, drawing...
- on October 9, 2008
i love babies
- on October 9, 2008
- on June 20, 2008
u should make a deck
- on June 20, 2008
i liked this one and i loved using it for the artwork of the week
- on June 3, 2008
this is my ultimate favorite
- on June 3, 2008
The famous ant baby picture!
- on June 3, 2008
this one is really really cool i love the angry zebra
- on June 3, 2008
This is soo scary!
- on June 3, 2008
these baloons are awesome i wish i could draw and shade like that
- on June 3, 2008
I like this one :] its amazinggg.
- on June 3, 2008
oh my gosh this is soooooo cool
- on June 3, 2008
So sweet! How did you draw this? IT'S AMAZING!
- on June 3, 2008
I love pandas!
- on June 3, 2008
This one is scary good (get it)
- on June 3, 2008
This is amazing!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!
- on June 3, 2008
I like how you drew the eyes. It's pretty cool!!
- on June 3, 2008
this is really really really good i love it like i would hang it in an art museum for sure =)
- on June 3, 2008
that's pretty sweet!
- on June 3, 2008
Amazing ! =)
- on June 3, 2008
This is cool!!
- on June 3, 2008
- on April 4, 2008
I love this picture because i just saw the new born panda in San Deigo.
- on April 3, 2008
awww... i love it
- on April 3, 2008
so cool
- on April 2, 2008
omg! i luv this, it is so cute
- on April 2, 2008
Even though u guys didnt win. we or i luv ya anyway and this is such a good idea.
- on March 21, 2008
It is so cute
- on February 13, 2008
Ms. Matt I love your art, its really good!
- on January 18, 2008
I feel bad 4 this baby, but the picture is awesome
- on January 18, 2008
I like your sign language painting! U r a very good artist with good ideas.
- on January 18, 2008
I like the spikey thing. It is so cool.
- on January 16, 2008
The mola is really cool!
- on January 16, 2008
Hey Ms. Matt - Wat up? I like your work - I would say love it but we r in skool. ttyl!
- on January 16, 2008
That is so cool. How did you make it? -Charmaine
- on January 16, 2008
Hi Ms. Matt - I love art
- on January 16, 2008
Hi Miss Matt! I am part of your fan club now! - Carissa
- on January 16, 2008
Great job!
- on January 16, 2008
Cool picture - I like how it looks like a baby dragon!
- on January 16, 2008
Looks Like Andrew! Great Job
- on December 5, 2007
Dee, I have always respected your art and it seems that you have improved a great deal since I have seen your work. Anyway, if I don't hear from by Thansksigiving, maybe we find some other day to go ice-skating on.
- on November 16, 2007
Still love Stitch I see
- on November 16, 2007
You always did love Stitch!
- on November 10, 2007
Milka, Milka, Milka, Milka Moos! Love the theme song!
- on November 10, 2007
Looks like black mold! Very Nice Ms. Matt! I like it and the matching cup you have too!
- on November 10, 2007
This looks like you Ms. Matt!
- on November 10, 2007
Great Pointillism Ms. Matt!
- on November 10, 2007
Great job Ms matt, the picture has sweeeettt detail!