Austin2507's Comments (86)

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Below are comments about Austin2507's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You have done great in your elementary years..not onto middle school. Keep up your work and artwork, as you never know where it may lead you.
-- Nanny
- on June 23, 2013
Great picture, Austin!
-- Pam
- on June 23, 2013
Austin, this is so neat. Looks like a 'tiger is in the tank" Love, Nanny
-- Nanny
- on May 16, 2013
Hi Austin, You did great work in your art class keep up the great work!
-- Pastor Harry
- on May 16, 2013
Your art is getting better
-- Karen
- on May 16, 2013
I love this artwork. I know it was hard to do,but you nailed it! Great job Austin. Love, Nanny
-- Nanny
- on February 11, 2013
-- Ms. Pam
- on February 11, 2013
This is some really great art work. I know you can do it and you are so talented! Keep up the great art work and you will go far I know. Nanny
-- Nanny
- on April 12, 2012
Austin, your art work has improved so much. This angel must be you, as you are really putting so much effort into what you are doing. Great work! Nanny
-- Nanny
- on April 12, 2012
Great Job Austin!
-- Gloria
- on April 12, 2012
Austin you keep doing amazing work in art. Keep up the good work and maybe I let you keep my birthday. Love you Pastor Harry
-- Pastor Harry
- on April 12, 2012
Austin, this is fantastic! You're doing such wonderful work. We're so proud of you! Nanny
-- Nanny
- on October 4, 2011
Great job as usual Austin. Keep up the good work. I miss seeing you at church!
-- Gloria
- on October 4, 2011
Austin, you did a great job of following directions. You deserve a great round of applause for all your wonderful work. In my eyes, you can never do anything wrong. Nanny
- on May 10, 2011
Austin, You continue to do impressive work! So proud of you!
-- Gloria
- on May 10, 2011
ahhhhhhhhhhhh! that is ssooooooooooooooo awesome i wish i could draw like you!
-- chase
- on May 10, 2011
Austin, Looks like you did a great job on your "Scary House"..I'd be afraid to go inside. Great job! Keep up the fantastic work! Nanny
-- Nanny
- on November 9, 2010
Austin, keep up the great work! Your drawings are getting better and better each time. Dr. Rios
-- Karen
- on November 9, 2010
Way to go Austin! Great Job! I love it! I am so proud of you!
-- Gloria
- on November 9, 2010
Austin, you did a great job in expressing your point! Love, Nanny
-- Nanny
- on November 1, 2010
Austin, I love your picture you are improving a LOT! Keep up the great work.
-- Karen
- on September 4, 2010
It looks like you've captured the Art here in your work, Austin! Great Job! Nanny
-- Nanny
- on September 4, 2010
It looks like you've captured the Art in this picture. Great work! Nanny
-- Nanny
- on September 4, 2010
What an imagination! You've really captured the art work in this picture. Great job! Nanny
-- Nanny
- on September 4, 2010
This is so great for your Farm picture. Looks like another day on the sunny farm! Nanny
-- Nanny
- on May 5, 2010
You painted both sides of the clay heart very carefully, Austin--it is gorgeous!
- on January 28, 2010
Austin this is the most beautiful piece of art work you've done. I just love it and can't say enought good things about it. All your work is beautiful, but this one is so special. You've got my heart that is for sure. Love you, Nanny
- on January 6, 2010
Austin this is so beautiful! You've out done yourself on making this wonderful piece of Artwork! I love it and will buy myself a cup or t-shirt to wear and show everyone you made this! Nanny
- on January 6, 2010
Austin, this is a very happy looking owl. He is probably a barn owl, where he can sleep and stay dry and warm. Beautiful coloring. Nanny
- on January 6, 2010
the details on this picture are just marvelous! Love your work here. Nanny
- on October 10, 2009
I know you'd love to go up in a hot air balloon. Maybe one day the three of us can or we can invite your 1st cousin, Jesse. Keep up the great work. What wonderful shading too. Nanny
- on October 10, 2009
Austin, your art work is just beautiful. I know you can do great work and it shows. keep up the great artwork and one day you will have your own art gallery! Nanny
- on October 10, 2009
Hugs Austin! Once again you've created something wonderful! We're so proud of you. Thank you for sharing it with us :) Love, Daddy, Naomi & Suki
- on October 10, 2009
My MY what big eyes you have Mr. Owl! The better to see you with my dear! I love the owl Austin. Keep up your great art work. Nanny
- on October 7, 2009
Dear Austin, This is a WONDERFUL picture you've drawn. We're so proud of your talent and hope you keep working on it. Please be good for Nanny and Papa. We love you! Daddy & Naomi
- on October 7, 2009
Austin, I love the flowers they look so real. You really out did yourself this time. You just keep getting better and better and better.
- on September 17, 2009
these flowers look just like the ones we have in our front yard at home! You did such a wonderful job painting these beautiful picture. I love your art work as you are so good at it. Nanny
- on September 17, 2009
That is great news Austin! I look forward to seeing the calendar with your pot in it.
- on September 17, 2009
Austin, you did it! Congratulations on winning with this piece of art work you did. It will be shown in the state's MHA calendar that is sent out each year. You did a wonderful job! We, me and PaPa are so very very proud of you? Love you, Nanny & PaPa
- on September 14, 2009
When it snows, it really snows..We can build a great big snowman this winter. Nanny
- on September 14, 2009
This is some of your best work Austin. Keep up the great work! Nanny
- on September 10, 2009
Yummy Yummy Yummy I love cup cakes, don't you? Let's share this big one with all your friends! Mollie
- on September 10, 2009
Yummy a big cupcake for us to share. Love the work you do. Love, Nanny
- on September 10, 2009
I love the happy, smiling face this girl is showing us--look at those big bright eyes!
- on August 26, 2009
What a fantastic snowman! Looks like we need to put him outside our house. You're doing Great Work Austin. Keep it up. Love you, Nanny
- on August 24, 2009
I know you can and are doing your very best in Art and in school. You ROCK Austin! Keep up the fantastic work! We love you so much! Nanny
- on August 24, 2009
Yummy cupcake! I bet it tasted as great as it looks! Great work. Nanny
- on August 25, 2009
Austin, What a wonderful project! You sure did a great job on making this piece of artwork. Nanny
- on August 24, 2009
Austin, this is such a beautiful butterfly! Great Job..Nanny
- on August 25, 2009
This picture is good! Hope she doesn't melt! Pam
- on August 24, 2009
Great Job Austin! I love your artwork and of course, we love you! :) :) :) Can't wait to see what art you'll have up here next!!!
- on August 24, 2009
Wow! What a great peice of art and it fits the title "to the max". Austin you are a wonderful artist and a very special little girl....Love, Pam
- on August 24, 2009
wow austin this is a very pretty butterfly. we all love it. you made it very color full and i love it. good work and keep up the great work. we all miss and love you austin. love alwasy and forever, mommy, moe, jessie, johnny, allie, jaocob, fatima. we send you kiss's and hugg's a lot of them. XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO
- on August 24, 2009
Congratulations Austin! You have earned Artsonia's Hall of Fame trophy for 2008-09 and we at Seltzer are proud of you.
- on April 29, 2009
Austin, I simply LOVE your picture! Way to go on being selected to showcase your artwork! Kay Burnett (Compeer)
- on April 29, 2009
Wonderful, creative work Austin. You have such talent & combine colors well. You are doing excellent work. Aunt Jackie
- on April 29, 2009
Austin, I thought your picture was very pretty and I love the colors you chose. I would like to have one like that for my office. I'm in Japan right now and I will send you some post cards like I did last year. Love you, Grandpa Marsh
- on April 29, 2009
Austin - What a great job!! I love the color in this picture! Your pictures show me a happy, loving little girl. Keep on drawing - you are so good at it.
- on March 5, 2009
Good Job Austin!!! We miss need to come over and play with Savannah and Michaela sometime!!! I hope you are enjoying 1st grade! Love, Verna
- on March 5, 2009
Austin, Your an angel to us. I love the way you are progressing in your art work. You are doing such a wonderful job. Nanny & Papa
- on February 9, 2009
Austin, I love all of your artwork but this is my favorite. Tom
- on February 9, 2009
love your art work. i love and miss you. you are very smart. love mommy, mohammad, jessie, johnny, allie, jacob, fatima. keep up the good work. love you very much,
- on August 29, 2008
Great work Austin! Papa and Nanny are so proud of you! Keep up the great work! Nanny & Papa
- on August 29, 2008
Wow Austin this is a very pretty picture . I'm very proud of you. It's so nice to see how much you keep growing in your art. I hope you have a great year in the first grade. Good work and keep putting up more pictures. I love you and miss you. Love always your mommy and mohammad, jessie, johnny, allie, jacob, fatima.
- on August 29, 2008
Austin it's beautiful! My station had aired the Olympics and we liked watching the Opening Ceremony. Hope you are liking 1st grade!!!!
- on August 28, 2008
Dear Austin, I saw your artwork and I have to tell you that I am very proud of the work that you have done here. I really love all of the colors! I think that it is very beautiful! I wanted to let you know that I am very proud of the work that you have done here and look forward to seeing more of your beautiful artwork. Love, Daddy
- on April 30, 2008
Hey Austin!! I love your artwork, especially all the wonderful colors you use. Keep up the great work - I am proud of you! Miss you, take good care. I love you lots. Mimi
- on April 27, 2008
Austin, what a fantastic piece of art work! PaPa and I are so proud of you! Keep up the great work and you will go far in life! Love, Nanny
- on April 24, 2008
wow wow Austin you are a very smart girl. You do alot of really good art work. I'm so proud of you. So is all your brothers and sisters they lovethe art work I show them. Keep up the good work. We all love you so much. Lov, Mommy, Jessie, Johnny, Allie, Jacob, Fatima and mohammad.
- on April 14, 2008
Thank you so much sending your art work, Great Job! Austin. Dee
- on February 8, 2008
Austin - Madison and I really think your chicken is great! Thanks for putting in online so we can see it. You are a special girl and we love you!
- on February 4, 2008
Congratulations Austin! Your have earned Artsonia's Hall of Fame trophy for 2007-08 and we at Seltzer are proud of you.
- on February 4, 2008
You did a great job on this picture Austin! Thanks for sharing it with me! Love, Miss Elizabeth
- on February 4, 2008
Austin, this is a unique piece of pottery. You are very creative. Do not change. Aunt Jackie
- on February 4, 2008
Austin, What a happy picture!!!!! I love butterflies & this is a beautiful picture. You are quite an artist. Aunt Jackie
- on February 4, 2008
Such beautiful work! :)
- on February 4, 2008
what a good artist you are
- on February 1, 2008
This is one happy dancing bird!
- on February 1, 2008
Austin, Your picture is wounderful!! I love the colors! I will send yo a post card from Japan. Grandpa
- on February 1, 2008
Austin, this is fantastic. Michael and Joshua really like your work! You are a wonderful artist; keep up the great work!!!
- on February 1, 2008
I can see the Kansas Bird in this
picture! You did a wonderful job!
- on January 29, 2008
What a beautiful drawing. Are you the "ANGEL" in this picture. The colors are just beautiful.
- on January 29, 2008
Up Up and away...looks like you're watching for weather among the clouds. Great shadow
- on January 29, 2008
This is some wild art! You have wonderful color imagination Go Girl
- on January 29, 2008
WE, Papa and I are so very proud of you Austin. Congratulations on all your beautiful work. You deserve a big "hug" award!
- on January 29, 2008
Congratulations Austin! Your glazed pinch pot was selected to represent Seltzer at the 2007 Sedgwick County Fair. Great job!
- on January 29, 2008