Zoey7806's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Zoey7806's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like these Zoey, really good idea and creativity. Keep it up beautiful, how can I help?
- Wade (Father) on October 24, 2023
Keep it up, I love watching you grow and learn new things. I am proud of you
- Dad on October 24, 2023
I really like how you are doing new things Zoey. This is cool and I love when you bring art work home. Good Job Zoey jo
- Wade (Father) on March 29, 2022
I like the observations. How come I have not seen this to hang on the wall yet??? Booga
- Wade (Father) on March 15, 2022
Zoey jo your art is getting way better. I like how you added shape and detail of the can. Great job I love you
- Wade (Father) on November 23, 2021
I’m very proud of you Zoey Jo! You are getting so good with your Art Work, keep it up. I enjoy hanging them up on the art wall.
- Wade (Father) on April 1, 2021
Hey Zoey, I really like this one. The bubble people lol
- Wade (Father) on February 9, 2021
I also like the eye lashes. Very good zoey jo. You creativity is getting awesome. Proud of you!!!
- Wade (Father) on December 23, 2020
Zoey, great job. My favorite thing about this artwork is the eyelashes and the paint splatter. Aunt Mandi
- Mandi(fan) on December 23, 2020
Yes yes yes.... I’m glad your doing more art work. I need to add to my wall Thank you so very much, I love it!!!!
- Dad on December 9, 2020
Good job Zoey Jo. You did a great job staying in the lines. I really like all the colors you used. Keep up the good work. -aunt Mandi-
- Mandi(fan) on December 2, 2020
Good job zoey jo... keep up the good work. I’m so happy you are adding more art work.
- Dad on October 13, 2020
Zoey Jo I can’t wait to get the things I ordered. I like that you are getting involved. Please let’s see some more art work.
- Wade (Father) on September 28, 2020
Good job zoey jo, I love you
- Wade (Father) on September 21, 2020
Zoey Jo!! This is a great picture! I love the colors and all the people. I LOVE the animals at the bottom. Good job sis!
- Mindi(fan) on September 23, 2020
Zoey Jo, great job!!! I see a few people and some animals, looks like a good story. Keep up the good work. Aunt Mandi
- Mandi(fan) on September 23, 2020
I’m loving the creativity
- Wade (Father) on September 16, 2020