Reade19's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Reade19's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Reade, I love your beautiful February artwork. The Valentine's Day theme is so pretty. Your use of different colors was very unique. You are such a great artist with so much creativity ! I love you, Grandma
- Grandma Sherry on February 10, 2021
I love the hearts!! Beautiful! I love you! Kassie
- Kassie on February 10, 2021
Reade, I really like this snow globe; it's even more appropriate today, since we got some snow over the weekend, and it looks just like the snow in your beautiful snow globe !
- Grandma Sherry on February 3, 2021
Reads, what a beautiful piece of art you have created. It should be in a frame that captures its true beauty. Love you, grandma & papa
- Sherry on January 20, 2021
Hi Reade! I love your Lacy artwork! You are amazing at art! So proud of you! Kassie
- Kassie on November 25, 2020