Riley23164's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Riley23164's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- Gramma on May 29, 2024
Very nice work Riley. Campa
- Sharondennis on May 22, 2024
Great work Riley ?? Gramma
- Sharondennis on May 22, 2024
Nice work Riley! I especially like the birds ?? Gramma
- Hramma on April 3, 2024
Nice work Riley! Gramma??
- Sharondennis(fan) on February 21, 2024
Very creative Riley! From Gramma
- Sharondennis(fan) on January 31, 2024
Love the colors, Riley! Gramma??
- Sharondennis(fan) on December 20, 2023
Nice job, Riley! Love, Gramma
- Sharondennis(fan) on December 6, 2023
Yummy popcorn!
- Sharondennis(fan) on October 25, 2023
Yummy popcorn!
- Sharondennis(fan) on October 25, 2023
Yum-ice cream! Looks good enough to eat.
- Grandma Rassel on October 25, 2023
I love all the colors that you chose ????
- Corrie (Mother) on February 8, 2022