Carleigh622's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Carleigh622's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love how you colored all your chicken! The signs will look awesome on the chicken coop after daddy builds it!
- Lori on June 24, 2020
Such beautiful flowers Miss Carleigh! You are such a creative little artist!
- LISA on June 24, 2020
Carleigh, just see your beautiful rocks! Gramma's a little behind ??. You're so good at art??. Good job ??. If you have time don't forget about my strawberry rocks??. Love, Gramma.??
- Laurel on April 29, 2020
She is so pretty. So much detail. She looks like a Rita - ha ha. Keep being a great artist.
- Lee on April 15, 2020
That looks just like Gramma Weiler, when she was a little girl. Bright red lipstick and a bow in her hair! Happy Easter!
- Auntie Barb on April 15, 2020
Thanks, again, Miss Carleigh Mae, for brightening our day! Who is this pretty lady? Does she have watermelon seeds on her head :D (Just kidding!!) -- Is that like a veil/hat? You know, a long time ago, ladies of all ages wore Easter bonnets. I'll post a picture of me with my Easter bonnet on. Not from NOW, but from when I was....oh about your age or so :) LOVE YOU!
- Gram Weiler on April 11, 2020
Hi Carleigh, awwww, your bunny is so CUTE! Awesome job! It’s so detailed! The little bunny fufu! Love it!!!! Love Gramma
- Laurel on April 11, 2020
Hi Carleigh, awwww, your bunny is so CUTE! Awesome job! It’s so detailed! The little bunny fufu! Love it!!!! Love Gramma
- Laurel on April 11, 2020
Beautiful work, Carleigh! You are going to be famous one day. (Well, you are already famous in my book.) Make one of those special art pieces for me. Love you!
- Auntie Barb on April 11, 2020
Once again, GREAT WORK! So, is that "C" for carrot...? cootie? citten--oh wait, that's spelled with a K! Kitten --- hmmmmmm...Oh, I GET IT! It's a "C" for CARLEIGH :D :D Thanks for sharing your work, Carleigh Mae. Love you!
- Gram Weiler on April 11, 2020
Carleigh I love your art work! I still have your picture of the apple tree and cardinal proudly displayed in my living room. Keep up the good work! Love you!
- Auntie Barb on April 8, 2020
THANKS for sharing, Carleigh! I love your hopping Easter bunny! Add Auntie Barb to your list. She would LOVE to see your creative art works, too, I bet! Hugs and love to you <3
- Gram Weiler on April 7, 2020