HooRah! Grandpa would be proud. Very nicely done too.
- Cynthia on December 11, 2024
Beautiful! Just like stained glass!
- Mimi on December 20, 2023
This is wonderful. With the number of song birds dwindling, it reminds me of their peril and, with their color in the sun’s rays, the beauty and joy they bring to us.
- Mimi on December 20, 2023
What a happy picture! I smile every time I look at it.
- Mimi on December 20, 2023
What a good interpretation of winter. That feeling of cold is present, but the aura around the tree makes me feel it is a time of beauty and reflection from within.
- Mimi on December 20, 2023
I see this piece as a wonderful reminder of the recognition our military service women deserve but do not receive often enough. The woman in black spoke to my heart in such an impactful way to present the message, not just for Veterans’s Day but every day. I am awed Emma that you can so beautifully convey a message with such power.