Cameron26546's Comments (61)

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Below are comments about Cameron26546's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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That is so good I love it.
- Sandy on April 3, 2024
We love it You keep getting better amd better
- Al And Dena on April 3, 2024
Goku!!!! Looks awesome bubba :)
- Natalie (Mother) on March 29, 2024
Wow!!! Great drawing. !!
- Sandy on February 28, 2024
Cameron This is so cool! You did a great job, I love the name
- Gramps and Granma on February 28, 2024
YESSSSSSS!! Let's go!!! Dragon ball z for life :)
- Natalie (Mother) on February 22, 2024
Wow bubba!!! This is so cool!! I love all the colors and differnt animations you used
- Natalie (Mother) on February 2, 2024
Cameron this is my favorite You are such a good artist. Ii love you. Grandma n Gramps
- Al And Dena on February 2, 2024
- Natalie (Mother) on January 24, 2024
Looks like a cute little guy I know ;)
- Natalie (Mother) on January 24, 2024
Love this bub!
- Natalie (Mother) on December 26, 2023
That is really cool Please male me one
- Al And Dena on December 27, 2023
I love to see your artwork and try to imagine what you are creating
- Al And Dena on December 27, 2023
This is so cool bubba :)
- Natalie (Mother) on December 5, 2023
This is amazing! You’re such an amazing artist, Squishy! I can’t wait to see more of your artwork. I love you!
- Auntie on December 7, 2023
This looks cool bubba !
- Natalie (Mother) on November 28, 2023
Good job! Mom
- Sandy Williams on November 28, 2023
Cameron I love the colors in this picture Will you draw me one?
- Grandma Dena on November 20, 2023
Cameron I love this so much You are such a great artist
- Grandma Dena on November 20, 2023
Wow bubba he looks over powered!! :)
- Natalie (Mother) on November 16, 2023
This is my favorite!
- grandma on November 15, 2023
Cameron, I love all of the art you make. you are so talented! I love you so much!!!!
- grandma on November 15, 2023
Brilliant!! This looks just like you I love it!
- Natalie (Mother) on November 10, 2023
This is cool bubba! You have such a good imagination :)
- Natalie (Mother) on November 10, 2023
Cameron you are my favorite artist! Grandma
- Grandma on October 25, 2023
Great job!! Love the different color of blues you are a good little artist.
- Sandy on October 11, 2023
This looks good bubba! Nice work :)
- Natalie (Mother) on October 4, 2023
I love the different shades of blue you used. Great work on the symmetry too!
- Ashley on October 4, 2023
WOW BUBBA!! I love this! Very cool ??
- Natalie (Mother) on August 24, 2023
You are such a great artist, Squishy! I love you!
- Ashley on August 24, 2023
Love it!!!!
- Natalie (Mother) on May 9, 2023
Great work buddy! Is he supposed to look like you?! So cool! Love, godmama Ashley
- Ashley on May 8, 2023
I love this picture Cameron, it is really cool! You are my favorite little artist!
- Dena on April 3, 2023
You are such a great artist!
- Dena on April 3, 2023
Looks yummy!
- Natalie (Mother) on March 29, 2023
This one is cool!
- Daddy on March 29, 2023
I love your color wheel. Sooo good!! Keep up the good work. Aunt Margy (In our British accent)
- Aunt Margy on February 22, 2023
You are a very good artist. I love seeing all of your great pictures.
- Margy on February 8, 2023
I love your picture you drew. Mom
- Sandy on February 8, 2023
This is beautiful !!!
- Natalie (Mother) on February 4, 2023
Excellent job Cam. Keep up the good work.
- Aunt Margy on February 1, 2023
Looks just like my handsome bubba! Good job :)
- Natalie (Mother) on January 25, 2023
Wow bubba great work ????
- Natalie (Mother) on December 20, 2022
Wow bubba?? nice work!!
- Natalie (Mother) on November 1, 2022
These are so cool bubba!
- Natalie (Mother) on September 23, 2022
HAHAHAHA good one bubba !
- Natalie (Mother) on September 20, 2022
Wow Cameron. That is a lot of Zombies. Good work
- Al And Dena on December 16, 2020
Cameron. Nice work. It looks like Gramps
- Al And Dena on December 16, 2020
Love the sandwich. Can I have it for lunch Cameron
- Al And Dena on December 16, 2020
Great job Cameron. He scared me
- Al And Dena on December 16, 2020
Fantastic job. I love it.
- Aunt Margy on December 16, 2020
You are such a good artist Squishy Cameron! I love you very much Love, Auntie ??
- Ashley(fan) on December 16, 2020
Cameron Beautiful picture. Great job. Live you Cameron
- Al And Dena on December 16, 2020
Cameron. Is that Gramps when he wakes up in the morning? Love the picture
- Al And Dena on December 16, 2020
Oh wow Cameron. He is a scary Zombie. Love you Bubba
- Al And Dena on December 16, 2020
Ahhhh so many zombies :D
- Natalie (Mother) on December 1, 2020
Love the colors ! :)
- Natalie (Mother) on December 1, 2020
Nice job bubba :)
- Natalie (Mother) on December 1, 2020
Bubba I love the colors you used in this one!! Very nice details Love mommy :)
- Natalie (Mother) on December 1, 2020
Such pretty colors and creative idea !! I love this and you :) Mommy
- Natalie (Mother) on December 1, 2020
Wow good work!! Love all the green :) Love you, Mommy
- Natalie (Mother) on December 1, 2020