Micah7184's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Micah7184's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You get better with each piece of art you create! Keep up the good work!
- Grandpa on February 9, 2021
GREAT JOB!!! I like all the color you used! See you in a few days! Love you, Grandpa
- Grandpa on February 9, 2021
Great Job Micah!! You keep getting better all the time!
- Grandpa Schell on February 9, 2021
Great job Micah!! Keep working and getting better and better!
- Grandpa on February 9, 2021
Micah, You are becoming quite the artist!! We will have to get one of your works to hang in our new house!
- Don on February 26, 2020
Awesome job, Micah!! It’s Snowing!!!
- Grandpa on February 12, 2020
Great work Micah! Love the snow in the background.
- Chris (Father) on January 31, 2020