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Carly274's Comments
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Below are comments about Carly274's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This picture is so Pretty Carly! You keep drawing well and you will be better than Uncle John some day! Love you! Aunt Allie
- on November 28, 2008
Hey Carly! I just got word that you received an award for your artwork. Way to go kiddo! I love you! Aunt Allie
- on June 21, 2007
I love your picture Carly! It looks just like our backyard. Ruby would be proud! I love you! Love Mom
- on June 2, 2007
Carly, I love your Hello, Goodbye window. You did a very nice job. Love, Mrs. Reynolds
- on May 13, 2007
Hi Carly! It's Aunt Allie. Great Picture! Uncle John better look out!
- on May 1, 2007
You are some much like your Uncle John. He was an artist at the age of 2yrs. old. Keep up the great work!
- on May 1, 2007
I'm so proud of your art work. You are the best artist in the world! I love the picture!
- on April 27, 2007