Emery1945's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Emery1945's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your art…..keep using your imagination and draw what you feel!
- Carol on January 24, 2024
Wow, I really like this! Looks like stained glass.
- Carol on April 19, 2023
I like the way you used shading to make the hand stand out. Your hand also is very well proportioned. Keep up the great work!
- chris (Father) on March 1, 2023
Love this picture, using black and white.
- Carol on April 19, 2023
Wow,I like the bright color scheme and the "eyes" for the border!
- Carol on April 19, 2023
It looks like a creature from monsters Inc. :)
- chris (Father) on December 25, 2021
Wow I love this clay art, so imaginative! You can't take your "eyes" off it!!
- Carol on December 25, 2021
I really like the color scheme!
- Carol on November 16, 2021
I really love the colors you used and the shape of the tree and all the interesting patterns you used.
- Carol(fan) on November 16, 2021
I really love the colors you used and the shape of the tree and all the interesting patterns you used.
- Carol(fan) on November 16, 2021
I really love the colors you used and the shape of the tree and all the interesting patterns you used.
- Carol(fan) on November 17, 2021
I like the bright colors and the way you divide the page with the lines. It’s kind of like abstract art :)
- chris (Father) on November 10, 2021
I like all the interesting patterns and shapes you use for the background. I also like the way the tree’s branches go beyond the edges of the paper.
- Dad on November 10, 2021
The bright colors make the leaf really stand out with the black background good job!
- chris (Father) on October 5, 2021