Natalie21466's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Natalie21466's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I can imagine this cheetah sneaking through the tall grass!
- Angela (Mother) on April 25, 2023
Those mountains sure would be hard to climb! I love the colors of the sky.
- Jerry on April 25, 2023
I think this “Sloppy Artist Drawing “ is GREAT! The brushes, the splatter, the colors… it’s all great!!
- Jerry on April 25, 2023
Brilliant beautiful colors. I can see you riding bareback with your hair flying free.
- June on April 25, 2023
This owl looks like the one I saw last year while I was fishing on the West Branch except it was in the daytime so I couldn’t see any stars.
- Jerry on April 25, 2023
I really like the colors of the sun set. I’m glad the horse is smiling - she must be enjoying the sun set. Her pink mane makes me smile.
- Jerry on April 25, 2023
Mysterious and fun. Sometimes I don’t view but don’t comment because I’m not as proficient with cyber space as you are. Maybe you could teach me some tricks. ? GramJamber
- June on March 2, 2022
Charming. One of his cousins visited my friend Anne’s backyard.
- June on March 2, 2022
I can nearly hear him singing ! Reminds me of one that your mom and I saw flitting in bushes one spring.
- June on March 2, 2022
I saw this one in person and it is truly a great piece of art.
- Jerry on March 2, 2022
What a pretty bright red Cardinal in her bird bath!
- Mom on March 2, 2022
Such a beautiful blue bird! He must live near the water with those long legs!
- Angela (Mother) on March 23, 2021
The bright colors are so pretty!
- Angela (Mother) on March 22, 2021
Wonderful that you’re singing! Chickadee? Jay? Woodpecker? Or maybe a tiger growl?? Or a shoutout to California GALL (Gwenyth. Aunt Lindsay. Lenorah) Gals. Or to Uncle George? I know! You’re hee—hawing?? An in our Sweetly Singing Donkey! Love
- Grandma June on February 24, 2021
I can't wait to see your next painting. Wonderful!!
- Aunt Lana on March 11, 2020
Looks like purple rain!!
- Jerry on March 9, 2020
Brilliant, bright colors!
- Angela (Mother) on March 3, 2020
Great images to match your imagination.
- June on March 3, 2020
The blue sky is so pretty! We need more blue skies like that around here!
- Angela (Mother) on February 15, 2020
What a wonderful blue sky.
- Jerry on February 15, 2020
A game? What fun!
- June on February 15, 2020
Butterflies. I am longing for spring and summer when they are fluttering.
- June on February 15, 2020
Enjoying the vibrant colors.
- June on February 15, 2020
Beautiful butterflies!
- Angela (Mother) on February 11, 2020
Such a pretty house, Natalie! We should have you design our new house!
- Angela (Mother) on February 11, 2020
I like a butterfly with a smile.
- Jerry on February 11, 2020
I like the round windows and all the sunshine.
- Jerry on February 11, 2020
That must be the horse that you want!!
- Grandma on February 11, 2020
Your trees makes me miss my Christmas tree, already!! Do you think you can cone over and draw me a pretty tree on the marker board? Love you, Natalie ?? From Aunt Lanna
- Alana on February 5, 2020
Is that Natalie standing under that beautiful rainbow?
- Mom on February 5, 2020
Ooh! I want a car like this one!
- Mom on February 5, 2020
Busy, busy, buzzing bee!
- Mom on February 5, 2020
What a beautiful rainbow horse!
- Mom on February 5, 2020
These trees and shrubs remind me of some in one of my favorite stories. I would like to hear your story.
- June on February 3, 2020
Ahhh!!! Beautiful warm weather tree and flowers. Our trees are surrounded by snow. Snow also clings to their branches. GammerJamber
- June on February 3, 2020
It looks like you used all the colors of the rainbow on this one.
- Jerry on February 3, 2020
Might your house belong to the starfish? The starfish may have left prints on the beach? I’d like to hear your tale.
- June on February 3, 2020
Lovely exciting explosion of colors and patterns..
- June on February 3, 2020
I love the colorful decorations! What a pretty tree!
- Angela (Mother) on January 30, 2020
Is that Santa’s house?
- Alan on January 30, 2020
Reminds me of a pretty summer day with sunshine, blooming flowers and a tree full of leafs.
- Alan on January 30, 2020
What a nice tree. I’d want one just like it in my back yard!
- Alan on January 30, 2020
Great job Big Girl! What a pretty tree and flowers!
- Angela (Mother) on January 29, 2020