Jason17118's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Jason17118's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jason, that is really amazing! It is like looking down into a city. Maybe from an airplane?
- Vickie on April 5, 2023
Why are you sad?
- Grandma S. on April 5, 2023
Oh Jason, this drawing is AMAZING! You should be making you own comic books. Are they star wars or mandelorean characters?
- Grandma Stone on April 13, 2022
That’s a red headed top hat woodpecker!! He must be babysitting the babies, I see them in their nest. I’ll bet they are hungry!
- Vickie on March 17, 2022
Hey Jason, what an interesting drawing. I think you should tell me what it is. I'm guessing it may be a pickle? Or, possibly a giant pea pod? Let me know.
- Grandma S on March 17, 2022
Hey Jason, what an interesting drawing. I think you should tell me what it is. I'm guessing it may be a pickle? Or, possibly a giant pea pod? Let me know.
- Grandma S on April 13, 2022
Jason, that is an amazing building! Isn't it fun to build things with blocks?
- Vickie on March 17, 2022
Pretty awesome! I know him!!! He sure is handsome!
- Grandma stone on June 2, 2021
This is absolutely beautiful!! This would look great hung on a wall. Did you mix your colors to get these beautiful shades? I think it's your best work ever! I am going to look to see the original Renoir.
- Grandma stone on June 2, 2021
Play ball!
- Grandpa Stone on June 2, 2021
Very nice!
- Grandpa Stone on June 2, 2021
Cool dude!
- Grandpa Stone on June 2, 2021
Ooooh, is that an icky spider?
- Grandma Stone on May 12, 2021
Hey Jason, it's your bedroom, right? I can see your bed with a Batman symbol on it! I suppose all those little marks on those shelves are your Imaginext collection. Hope i see you so you can tell me what everything is! You did a great job!!
- Grandma Stone on May 12, 2021
What a great piece of pottery! I can see all the little details you put into it. I love the color you chose to paint your pot. What are you going to use it for? Maybe a hideout for one of your imaginext superheroes? Great job!!
- Grandma Stone on May 12, 2021
That looks like an amazing waterslide!
- Grandma S on April 7, 2021
Caleb is lucky to have you for a friend!
- Grandma S on April 7, 2021
Is this a dragon or a sea monster?
- Grandma S on April 7, 2021
This is deep!
- Grandpa Stone(fan) on March 31, 2021
I know him!
- Grandpa Stone(fan) on March 31, 2021
- Grandpa Stone(fan) on March 31, 2021
These are REALLY GREAT! Very colorful! Great job Jason!
- Grandpa Stone(fan) on March 31, 2021
Beautiful picture of a sunset!
- Vickie on March 31, 2021
Is this your house?
- Vickie on March 31, 2021
jason, I can't quite make out what this is. You will have to explain it to me when I see you. Looks like it was a lot of fun to make.
- Vickie on March 31, 2021
Jason, I just found your artwork on the website. You have quite an awesome page of pictures!! There are even some from first grade. I am sorry I have missed them. You are a talented artist. Keep up the great work, I'll be watching!
- Vickie on March 31, 2021