Ella21160's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Ella21160's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work Ella. I like the contrasting colors.
- Grandpa Hawley on September 23, 2020
I love your picture. Such pretty colors you used!
- Grandma Callison on September 23, 2020
Ella, remember when we made a snowman in the park and those boys knocked it over? We'll make an even bigger one this winter.
- Grandpa Hawley on September 23, 2020
Ella, remember when we made a snowman in the park and those boys knocked it over? We'll make an even bigger one this winter.
- Grandpa Hawley on September 23, 2020
I love the color patterns Ella.
- Grandpa Hawley on September 23, 2020
Great job Ella. Your flower is beautiful.
- Grandpa Hawley on September 23, 2020
Ella, I love this picture. The colors are so pretty. Grandma Callison
- Grandma Callison(fan) on August 19, 2020