Nora4735's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Nora4735's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this, Nora! I like the shapes and colors you used.
- Mom on October 16, 2024
Love it
- Dad on March 13, 2024
This is beautiful, Nora! I want these in our kitchen!
- Ellen (Mother) on March 12, 2024
Love this - the shapes, colors, and overall reality of this picture!
- Ellen (Mother) on March 12, 2024
P.S. Your word fits your personality perfectly. You have a way of making people laugh, especially when they need it most!
- Ellen (Mother) on October 25, 2023
This is such a cool piece of abstract art. You did a wonderful job with the lives and colors!
- Ellen (Mother) on October 25, 2023
I love this piece! It makes me happy because I know how much you love horses. ??
- Ellen (Mother) on October 25, 2023
Love the different patterns you used to fill in the shapes. Keep up the amazing work!
- Ellen (Mother) on October 25, 2023
Your dog artwork is amazing!!
- Ellen (Mother) on November 28, 2022
I love this, Nora! You are doing awesome!
- Ellen (Mother) on November 28, 2022
I love this message, Nora! Great job! Love, Mom
- Ellen (Mother) on October 25, 2022
This picture reminds me of Wisconsin! We have lots of pine trees here. The sun in the picture gives me a warm feeling!
- Aunt Sara on November 24, 2021
Love the deep colors in this picture. The needles on the trees look so realistic. Great job, Nora!
- Ellen (Mother) on October 26, 2021
I love this picture! All of the people look a little different and very unique. You are a great artist!
- Ellen (Mother) on June 1, 2021
I always love looking at your chalk drawings. This is so neat on the bricks!
- Ellen (Mother) on June 1, 2021
Wow...what an intricate design you made here! You did a great job filling in all of the small spaces! I love the cool colors you used. Way to work hard Nora!
- Love, Aunt Sara on June 1, 2021
These look great! I can see your creativity!
- Ellen (Mother) on April 13, 2021
I love, love, love this picture and really look forward to hearing more about it! You are an awesome artist!
- Ellen (Mother) on April 13, 2021
What a pretty rainbow! Great job Nora! Love, Aunt Sara
- Sara on March 4, 2020
I love the rainbow and the colors you used!
- Ellen (Mother) on February 26, 2020
I love your campfire Nora! I hope you can come and have a campfire at our house this summer!
- Aunt Sara on January 29, 2020
This looks just like its title! :)
- Ellen (Mother) on January 23, 2020
Wow! I love the how the shapes you used each continue in a circle around the paper. Keep up the good work!
- Ellen (Mother) on January 23, 2020
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