Giovanni4501's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Giovanni4501's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We see the trees here in New England in winter and your drawings evoke the grays and stark beauty of home. We love you. Grandma and Grandpa
- Alice on January 11, 2023
Evocative of Autumn and Trick or Treating! A really happy picture of times past and present.
- Alice on November 2, 2022
Beautiful bird’s nest! We will not see robins here again until next Spring.
- Alice on November 29, 2021
Love your ink monster, G! I wouldn’t want to find him on my picnic table!
- Alice on November 29, 2021
Such bold colors! We love your creativity, Gio, and we love you. When I look at this, I think of playing outside on a warm, sunny day in Florida.
- Alice on February 5, 2020