Hey sarah! this is an awesome piece of art! you should be very proud of yourself. I love you - worsted octupuser :) -- sarah
- on February 9, 2011
Beautiful work Sarah!! It looks like real stained glass!
- on March 6, 2010
Yeah Sarah! Great work!! You are getting more talented all the time. I hope you and your family are doing well... we miss you! Love Amy, Elliott and Anna... and baby :)
- on December 9, 2009
BEAUTIFUL Sarah!! I love the angel... get's me thinking about Christmas already :) We miss you so much!
- on December 3, 2009
Wow... this is really beautiful, Sarah... there's so much to look at! Great work!
- on October 19, 2008
Hey me this art work rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! later
- on October 19, 2008
Beautiful work, Sarah! It looks a lot like you. We miss you so much and are so very proud of you and all your hard work :) Love Amy, Elliott and Anna
- on October 1, 2008
Wow Sarah, this one is beautiful... it looks like something I would like to hang in my window and see the sun shine through it. Great work!!
- on October 1, 2008
dear me Ilove my art work I rule! well me got to go bye! love sarah
- on April 8, 2008
you did soooooooooooooooo good! FROM YOUR BFF OLIVIA
- on April 8, 2008
Yeah Sarah!! What a good job and very, very realistic! Keep up the great work :)
- on April 8, 2008
Sarah! What a great picture of your grandpa... I think it looks like him a lot! We miss you so much... Love Amy, Elliott and Anna
- on December 12, 2007
I lover your new art work! Gets me in the mood to go swimming at the water park! Can't wait until that happens! I love you and miss you. Keep up with the great art! Aunt Elizabeth
- on June 10, 2007
Hi Sarah, Great job on the art work and lets do some swimming this summer to keep your speed up. I love you. Grandma
- on June 2, 2007
Hello Sarah! You are quite the artist! I often think about how well you draw when I look at your picture of Mickey and Minnie Mouse on our refrigerator. I am one of the few lucky ones to have an "original" Sarah drawing of my own! Keep up the great art work! I look forward to seeing more now that I am signed up to your fan club! We love you, Aunt Liz and Dee
- on May 22, 2007
This is a great new picture Sarah! I like how the moon and stars are white and the background is coloured in. From Amy
- on May 21, 2007
your bugs are cute. from: emily and brooke [grade 8]
- on May 12, 2007
Sarah, great job! Your artwork is wonderful!
- on May 12, 2007
Hi Sarah! Your mom sent me this website with your art work... you are a very good artist! We miss you lots and send you big HUGS! From Amy, Elliott and Anna
- on May 12, 2007
Hi Sarah! This is such a GROOVY picture! I love it!! Keep on dancing. Love, Mom
- on April 23, 2007
Hi sweetie! I love you and am proud of how you express yourself!