Leland1212's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Leland1212's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Leland, Your painting is so beautiful! I would love to hang this in my house. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on April 17, 2024
Leland, I like the colors you used for your up close view of the flower.
- Mimi on December 13, 2023
Leland, I can tell the different shapes you drew. Mimi
- Mimi on April 6, 2023
Hi Leland, This art project looks like it was a lot of fun to make!
- Mimi on February 23, 2023
Leland, I see many windows poking through on your tall building.
- Mimi on April 20, 2022
Hi Leland, You sure made some nice cozy baby blankets with great colorful patterns. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on March 16, 2022
Hi Leland, I like all the bold, bright colors you painted with.
- Mimi on February 23, 2022
Hi Leland, I like the bright colors that you used to make this pretty picture! Love, Mimi (Jean)
- Mimi (Jean) on February 23, 2022
Hi Leland! I like the bright colors that you painted. It turned out very pretty! Love, Mimi
- Mimi (Jean) on February 23, 2022