Savannah I love how you showed your missing tooth!
- Gram on October 5, 2022
Savannah, you are so creative. I love the colors you used for your “Candy Tree”! Wouldn’t it be magical to walk through a forest filled with these beautiful trees? Love, Gram
- Gram on February 3, 2021
Savannah, Your newest artwork, “Brown bear”, is so cute! What a great picture! Keep up the great work!
- Auntie on December 9, 2020
I love how creative you are Savannah! You are a very good artist!
- Gram on November 11, 2020
Savannah I love ?? your self portrait! You have a great eye for detail. I am looking forward to seeing all of your creative work this year. Love, Gram
- Gram on November 11, 2020
Love your rainbow! Did the leprechauns find the pot of gold?
- Gram on June 3, 2020
Savannah, This abstract reminds me of a Picasso I saw at the Prada Museum in Lisbon, Spain. Maybe some day you will have your artwork in a museum too! Love, Gram
- Gram on May 18, 2020
This put a smile on my face! Gram
- Gram on May 18, 2020
Savannah, you are becoming such a wonderful artist! You are so creative and I love how your pictures are so colorful. Keep having fun with your art... Love, Gram
- Gram on May 18, 2020
Thank you for adding me, I love seeing your artwork! Your self portrait is great, looks just like you! Keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see more! I love you!
- Auntie on May 8, 2020
great job on your art work keep it up Love Pops
- Pops on April 29, 2020
We love your picture. It has such pretty, bright colors.