Caeden, we love your snowman and your use of color! Sure makes us think about Christmas and being with you. We especially like his green hat and the swirling red winds behind him (and his smile) .... :-). GD & Wz
- Grandad & Weezie on January 5, 2020
Caeden, Great use of cool colors. We look forward to hearing you tell us about all the interesting things you have drawn into this picture. :-)
- GD & WZ on January 5, 2020
Wow Caeden ... what do you call this masterpiece? Love the flags and balcony windows. Sure looks like some crazy weather in the background also. Great job ... look forward to your next piece.
- GD & WZ on January 5, 2020
Great work, Caeden! Looks like you have a good art teacher!
- Papa on December 4, 2019
Caeden, I really like your first on-line art work. Hope to see many, many more. I like your use of color and how you alternated the colors. I can see some of your love of Lego's coming through in your artwork. I wondered what you were thinking as you made this art work?