Sloane - What kind of poster were you looking at for this art piece? Your stippling and cross-hatching are interesting, but I also noticed that some parts of this project also show some nice shading changes in values from light to dark blue. The orange fade to yellow also is a nice variation. I enjoyed seeing this project.
- Grandma Carol on November 8, 2022
Sloane - I think this is your best work and love the patterns AND the colors. You’ve created so many pretty patterns, and the neon colors are such a great contrast to the black and white figures. Keep up your great creativity!
- Grandma Carol on November 8, 2022
Sloane - I think you did a nice job with this picture. Like you, I like the sunset peeking out above the hills. Maybe next time, think about moving the sun behind the mountains. Then I think you will have nailed it perfectly. Great job!!!!
- Grandma Carol on October 30, 2022
Sloane - Don't you think it would be a great idea for us to go to a pumpkin patch for Halloween? Grandma Carol
- Carol on October 30, 2022
Sloane - Which do you like better? A sandwich made with bread or one like this one: a taco. I like them both. Grandma Carol
- Carol on October 30, 2022
Sloane - I think the rainbow colors of the umbrella are sooooo pretty. I wish I had an umbrella like this one to use when it rains. Grandma Carol
- Carol on October 30, 2022
Sloane - We both love pizza - this slice of pizza looks YUMMY!!! Grandma Carol
- Carol on October 30, 2022
Sloane - This llama is adorable. You did a terrific job using the yarn and pompoms to make the llama very colorful. Grandma Carol
- Carol on October 30, 2022
Sloane - One of my favorite foods is tacos. You did a terrific job making your art look like real food. Maybe you could make me some tacos to eat sometime.
- Grandma Carol on October 30, 2022
Sloane - I love this piece of art. It is so happy with all of the bright colors on the umbrella, the background stripes, as well as the raindrops. And, I see your feet showing at the bottom. Your picture reminds me of how fun it is to walk in the rain.
- Grandma Carol on October 30, 2022
Sloane, I see you you are working on the idea of symmetry. I've done a great job balancing both sides of the monster mansion. Way to go!
- Grandma Carol on October 30, 2022
Sloane, What a great drawing of a pumpkin! You know I enjoy going to pumpkin patches. Do you remember when you, Nori, your Dad, and I have gone? This year, I went to one with Alfie. Keep up the great art.
- Grandma Carol on October 30, 2022
Sloane, I love sandwiches and see some yummy things on this one, but Frankenstein??? This sandwich is a MONSTER!!!!
- Grandma Carol on May 25, 2021
Sloane, I would like to live in a city that has all of these colorful patterns. It would make me happy to see these bright colors every day!
- Grandma Carol on May 25, 2021
Sloane, I wish I had a stuffed animal that was as cute as the bear shown in this picture. I especially like the rainbow on this tummy.
- Grandma Carol on May 25, 2021
Sloane, I love the blues and greens of this alligator picture. Would you like to do underwater in the ocean someday to see the creatures that live there?
- Grandma Carol on May 25, 2021
This is great, Sloane!
- Robert (Father) on May 4, 2021
Sloane - This looks like a happy box of crayons. Now, you need to tell me what it really is.
- Carol(fan) on April 21, 2021
Sloane - I hope that when you bring this piece of art home that you will be sure to show it to me. I would really like to see it for real.
- Carol(fan) on April 21, 2021
Sloane - I think this is a picture of an owl. It looks like a beak as well as feathers going down the body. Am I right?
- Carol(fan) on April 21, 2021
Sloane - I would be very happy each morning if this sun woke me up with such bright eyes and happy smile!
- Carol(fan) on April 21, 2021
Sloane - I love, love, love these prints. They have such great colors!