Beau2046's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Beau2046's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh your use of shading and light is fabulous. That is something that is a challenge for me when I paint!
- Grandma W on March 13, 2024
It was fun to see the name of a special artist pop up on the screen. This looks like a sculpture process using clay. You will have to tell me how you did this and why you did what you did. Isn't art and creating fun!!!! Love. you.
- Grandma W on March 13, 2024
Beau, I find this piece so very interesting to look at....colorful, detailed and evoking a sense of curiosity about the composition. I'd like to talk to you about it sometime. I do especially love your shading...I am trying to learn to do better at shading my artwork.
- Grandma Winchell on March 13, 2024
Hey artist! I love the color combinations and the dimensionality of the yarn work. It's fun to create using new methods and media. Love that you love art!
- Grandma Winchell on March 13, 2024
Beau....that is SO cool. I love the abstraction of the color and the 3D type effect. You will have to explain to me how you did that. I have never seen a project like this before. You ARE quite the artist...and. now you can teach me something!
- Grandma Winchell on March 13, 2024
Whoa!!! Now this is awesome. Love the work that you have done in all areas. I might have to have you give me some pointers. I'm wondering what medium you used...watercolor, chalk???
- Grandma Winchell on March 13, 2024
How wonderful to see my artist buddy learning how to shade. That is something that I am learning too. Sometimes you just have to keep trying something to get the hand of it. Love you...and the effort that you put into your artistic projects!
- Grandma Winchell on March 13, 2024
That really caught my eye! So much personality capture in the drawing from hair to eyes to mouth. Looks like you mom on a day when she's really frazzled. You definitely have artistic talent.
- Gramma Winchell on March 13, 2024
Weaving is hard work and requires much concentration...looks like you were able to pull off the project with flying colors.
- Gramma Winchell on March 13, 2024
Oh, Beau....blues and its complimentary colors are my favorite. Love the way that you used them in this piece.
- Grandma Winchell on November 16, 2022
Hey Beau! I love this design. To me, it is very calming and soothing. I suppose that part of it is the symmetry (I like order) but the colors all seem to work so well together. That should be frames...and put on Grandma's wall.
- Grandma Winchell on November 16, 2022
Oh my gosh, Beau....this is incredible. I think that it should be framed. Your use of color and shading make the picture so wonderful to look at. I'm wondering what your used ton make it...pastels? Please give this to me if your mom does not want it. What a fun image to have out in the winter on the mantel.
- Grandma Winchell on November 16, 2022
Hey, my man! I get so excited when the note says that there is new artwork of yours. I really like the effect that the weaving has to make the turtle's shell. Isn't it fun to create in different ways! Cheers to you and all of your projects.
- Grandma Winchell on November 16, 2022
Sometimes when I look at artwork, I try to understand what the artist is portraying in the piece. I should talk to you about this piece. I'm not sure about what I see. It sends a message of fear and danger to me. Is that what it's supposed to do?
- kathy (grandma) on November 16, 2022
Art is supposed to cause the viewer to think and feel. When I look at this, I think about fall and how the plants change in preparation for winter. I can almost feel the wind blowing as I look at the leaves. Hmmmm....maybe they will blow in someone else's yard so I don't have to rake them up.
- kathy (grandma) on November 16, 2022
Wow! If I lived in this castle, I would feel very safe. Look at all of those towers with flags and windows. So cool!
- kathy (grandma) on November 16, 2022
My goodness, you certainly have used a lot of colors in this creation. I love the two-toned green background. I love your artwork...but would hate to run into this creature!!!!
- Grandma Winchell on March 13, 2024
My goodness, you certainly have used a lot of colors in this creation. I love the two-toned green background. I love your artwork...but would hate to run into this creature!!!!
- Grandma Winchell on November 16, 2022