Olivia44354's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Olivia44354's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Olivia Pops and I love your beautiful flowers. They make us happy! All our love Grandma and PopPop xo
- Maureen on May 20, 2020
Hi Olivia, I love the red, white and blue colors you chose. So proud of all your artwork. Looking forward to seeing more of your artistry. We love you. Love, Nana and Papa
- Maureen on May 20, 2020
Hi Olivia, I love your drawing of these flowers in a vase. You are so artistic. Nana and Papa are so proud of all you do and all your talents. We love you. Love, Nana and Papa
- Maureen on May 20, 2020
Hi Olivia, What great circles! You are doing wonderful artwork at home! Love and Kisses, Grandma and Pops xo
- Maureen on May 6, 2020
Hi Olivia, We love your artwork that you are doing at home! Love, Grandma and PopPop xo
- Maureen on May 6, 2020
Hi Olivia, Grandma and Pops love the artwork you did at your house. Great circles! Miss you can't wait to see you again Love Grandma and PopPop xo
- Maureen on April 15, 2020
Hi Olivia, I know how much you love to find different rocks. These rocks are so pretty and you did a great job putting them in circles. You are very creative and very artistic. Nana and Papa are so proud of you!
- Maureen on April 15, 2020
Olivia you did such a beautiful job. Can't wait to see more of your artwork. We love you!
- Grandma and PopPop on January 29, 2020
You did such a great job! Love you!
- Kristin (Mother) on January 21, 2020
Dear Olivia, So proud of you and your amazing talents. You are a budding artist. Enjoy the fruits of your hard work. This heart is beautiful. Remember to always follow your heart. We love you. Nana & Papa
- Maureen on January 27, 2020