Brayden14917's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Brayden14917's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You did a really good job. Keep up the good work. Love Gramma
- Gram on May 15, 2024
Good job Brayden. Very nice
- Gram on May 15, 2024
You did a really great job Brayden. I really like it. Love Gramma
- Gram on May 15, 2024
Very good Brayden keep up the good work I'm proud of you
- Roberta on April 25, 2023
This picture of of a Llama is great.
- Gramma on April 25, 2023
Good job Brayden. Keep up the good work
- Gramma on April 25, 2023
Good job Brayden. I really like it alot.
- Gram on April 25, 2023
That is great work Brayden I hope you do more and more
- Roberta on February 11, 2023
Love all the hearts
- Gram on May 11, 2022
Good job Brayden
- Gram on May 11, 2022
Good job Brayden. Love it
- Gram on May 11, 2022
Good job buddy
- Gram on December 17, 2021
Good job Brayden I really like your picture
- Gram on November 24, 2021
Good job Brayden I really like your picture
- Gram on November 24, 2021
Amazing job bud, you’re amazing at art just like ur sister??
- Kayeleigh on October 20, 2021
Love your penguin
- Gram(fan) on October 20, 2021
Good job Brayden. Love Gramma
- Gram(fan) on October 20, 2021
Looks amazing!
- Faith (Mother) on October 12, 2021