Jaxson3313's Comments (41)

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Below are comments about Jaxson3313's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Jaxson! Great art work. I love the walrus. Love, GriGri
- Kathy on September 19, 2024 NEW
Hi Jaxson, This is a great picture. I would call him Mustard Man. I love it just like I love you I love you! Gree Gree
- Kathy on September 19, 2024 NEW
Hi Jaxson! I love this art work. It is so cute. Great job! Love, Gree Gree
- Kathy on April 24, 2024
Great job Jaxson. You are a great artist. I love your drawings.
- Kathy on April 24, 2024
Hi Jaxson! I love this piece of artwork. It looks like a tree with a very big ornament in the middle. Does something live in this tree? You are so creative. Great work! Love Gree Gree
- Kathy on February 23, 2024
Jaxson, I love this piece of art. It is really pretty. Love Gree Gree
- Kathy on January 10, 2024
Great job Jaxson! I love the windmill in the middle of the tulips. Beautiful. Love Gree Gree
- Kathy on November 1, 2023
Hi Jaxson! I love this piece of art work. They are some beautiful crabs. You are such a good artist. Love, Gree Gree
- Kathy on November 1, 2023
Hi Jaxson, I love this pic with all the hearts. Great job! You are such an artist. I love you, Gree Gree
- Kathy(fan) on April 26, 2023
Great job Jaxson! Papa would be so proud of that train engine. That is fantastic. I love you! Gree Gree
- Kathy(fan) on April 26, 2023
Hi Jaxson! I love this picture. You drew a beautiful lion and I like the little bug. You are such a great artist. Keep up the beautiful drawings. Love, Gri Gri
- Kathy on April 26, 2023
Hi Jaxson! I love this artwork here. It is very colorful. Great job! I love you! Gree Gree
- Kathy on March 22, 2023
Jaxson, I love this art work. Very Nice. Love, Gree Gree
- Kathy on March 22, 2023
Jaxson, I love your drawing of the bull. I see it is called Eltoro. Is that after your monster truck? Great work. You are very talented. I love you! Gri Gri
- Kathy on November 30, 2022
Hi Jaxson, I love your egg carton art work. It is really cool. Great job!
- Kathy on November 30, 2022
Great artwork Jaxson. I love it. If you get to bring it home I would like to have it. I think you should call it "Man in sombrero". Love Gri Gri
- Kathy on October 12, 2022
Hi Jaxson, Great job on your artwork. I love the stingrays. Love, Gri Gri
- Kathy on October 12, 2022
Jaxson, I love this art work. The water looks so peaceful with the sailboats on itl. If you bring this home, may I have it. Great job! Love, GriGri
- Kathy on March 23, 2022
Hi Jaxson, I love your latest artwork. It is so cool. Looks like bird heads. Love you, Grigri
- Kathy on March 2, 2022
Jaxson, What a great picture of the fox. I love it. You draw so well. Love, Gri Gri
- Kathy on March 2, 2022
Hi Jaxson, I love this latest art work. It is very cool. Great job! GriGri
- Kathy on January 5, 2022
Hi Jaxson, I love your latest piece of artwork. It is really cool. Keep up the good work. Love you! Gri Gri
- Kathy on December 8, 2021
Hi Jaxson, That is a nice slice of pumpkin pie you drew. You are very talented. I hope my real slices of pumpkin pie look like that on Thanksgiving. Love, GriGri
- Kathy on December 8, 2021
Jaxson, Your avocado art is beautiful. I wish I liked to eat avacados. Nice job! Love you! GriGri
- Kathy on October 27, 2021
Hi Jaxson, I love your seascape picture you did in art class. It is so beautiful. You are quite the artist. Love, GriGri
- Kathy on October 6, 2021
Hi Jaxson, I love your bridge art. It is beautiful. You did a nice job. I love you! GriGri
- Kathy on October 6, 2021
Great job Jaxson! I love your ostrich drawing.
- Kathy on June 23, 2021
Hi Jaxson, Love your barn picture. Great job Grigri
- Kathy on June 23, 2021
Hi Jaxson, Great artwork. Your pyramids look fantastic. You are such a good little artist. I love you, Gri Gri
- Kathy on May 5, 2021
Hi Jaxson, I love your button tree. It is beautiful and I would like to sit under it. Keep up the good work. Love you, Gree Gree
- Kathy on March 31, 2021
Jaxson, Your aquarium is beautiful. I love the turtle. I also imagine that is what the Cleveland Aquarium looks like even though I have never been there. You are such a good artist. Love you! Gree Gree
- Kathy on March 18, 2021
Great job Jaxson!! I love your aquarium!
- Mom on March 10, 2021
Great job Jaxson!! You did a fantastic job. I am so proud of you. Love, Mom
- Melissa on February 24, 2021
Jaxson, I love your colorful polar bear. Great work.
- Kathy on February 26, 2020
Jaxson your polar bear is too cute. Good job peanut!!
- Melissa (Mother) on January 10, 2020
Jaxson, great job. I love this picture.
- Kathy on January 10, 2020
Hi Jaxson, I love your most recent artwork. You did a great job. I love it. Love you!
- Kathy on January 10, 2020
Jaxson, you did such a great job peanut!! I love this so much!
- Melissa (Mother) on December 16, 2019
Great job Jaxson! I love your pepper painting.
- Kathy on December 4, 2019
Jaxson this is a great picture. You did a really great job. I love it.
- Kathy on November 8, 2019
Jaxson, I absolutely love this!! Great job! - Love, mom
- Melissa (Mother) on October 25, 2019