Abby12907's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Abby12907's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Abby, it reminds me of the pretty colors of coral and plants you see on the ocean floor. And a nice job on that volcano!
- Donna on November 17, 2021
Abby what a nice way to celebrate spring with flowering trees and even a bird!
- Donna on November 17, 2021
Abby what a nice way to celebrate spring with flowering trees and even a bird!
- Donna on November 17, 2021
very colorful. it reminds me of a rainbow. And I see a unique heart there in the middle
- Donna on November 17, 2021
You ARE Queen of your castle! I like your snow capped mountains and pigtails
- Donna on November 17, 2021
very creative and colorful, Abby
- Donna on November 17, 2021
Abby what a pretty picture of spring flowers and clouds in the sky. is it raining with the sun shining? And is that you playing in the flowers? Good job!
- Donna on May 6, 2021
This is really a cool one. Looks like a furry heart!
- Donna on May 6, 2021
This is really a cool one. Looks like a furry heart!
- Donna on May 6, 2021
I can see you like brilliant colors!!
- Donna on May 6, 2021
I see a pumpkin and a bat and you will have to tell me who the other friends are
- Donna on May 6, 2021
What a brilliant rainbow!
- Donna on May 6, 2021
Nice job Abby. Who is your friend?
- Donna on May 6, 2021
Like the bright colors!
- Emily (Mother) on November 6, 2019
I like the happy faces!
- Emily (Mother) on November 6, 2019
I love your beautiful rainbow!
- Emily (Mother) on November 6, 2019