Lucia2008's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Lucia2008's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lucia, These three prehistoric men seem to be running through the jungle hunting ! You really captured the action in your own version of a petroglyph !!! Great work!!!!!! Love, Abuela
- Abuela on December 11, 2019
Lucia, I love your three snowmen. They seem to be cheering while more snow falls from the Winter sky !! Love, Abuela
- Abuela on December 11, 2019
My sweet Lucia, How colorful your sunflowers in a vase! They seem to sway by the curtain at the breeze window. Love you signature item on the window sill : hearts!!! I know how much you love art and your are proving to be very good at it. Your Abuela very proudly applauds you with love.
- Cira on November 9, 2019