Hi, Sebas! I just love this piece of art! Looks like you want to put everyhing pretty around you! You can start by painting our house. Keep you beautiful work, my love!
- Idrani on March 8, 2023
Hi, Sebastián: I am very impressed with this work! I love the lashes, so carefully darán by you! That beautiful Eye called my attention and I love it! Congratulations, my love!
- ABU on April 20, 2022
This one looks very interesting, dear Sebas!
- ABU on March 10, 2022
Hi, Sebastián. I really love the way you wrote your name artistically! I know your name is pretty long but it is a beautiful name! I live you!
- ABU on March 10, 2022
Dear Sebas: I just love your lady bug! You Rick!
- Idrani on March 10, 2022
This one is different! I like the materials and the colors you chose! Yellow and green, like Nature!
- ABU on April 28, 2021
I really like this one a Lot! It looks like it is alive! Natural.
- ABU on April 28, 2021
Hey, mi nene lindo: What is that drawing about! Who's killing who? I suppose you are joking, Ha! You show a Great imagination. Keep trying short stories in your artwork!
- ABU on April 28, 2021
Wow, Sebastian, this one looks like a shark with Big teeth! Beware!
- ABU on April 28, 2021
Hey, Sebas: I imagine that is you at your back yard playing on a sunny day! I just want to be there with you!!!!
- ABU on April 28, 2021
Hi, Sebastian: This is such a nice artwork! I am not sure if it is a house or a living room but I love it! Each time, you do beautiful things! I love you!
- ABU on April 28, 2021
Wow. What an amazing 3-dimensional piece of art!!! I love it!
- Drew on April 28, 2021
Sebas, that is a wonderful art creation! It is so colorful. I like its form and the great combination of colors! Good job, handsome boy!
- Idrani on February 17, 2021
I love this artwork because it reminds me about Nature and its Magic. Keep up with your beautiful work! Abu loves you!
- ABU on November 4, 2020
Hi, dear Sebastián: This time your drawing is very interesting! Different kids of leaves, also different Colors. You did observed everything around. I even thought there was an ant there! Loved it! ABU
- ABU on November 4, 2020
Oh, Sebas, I adore your artwork! Looks like a Robot. A friendly one, but I think he is lost. I love those colors; green and blue together. Keep your good art work! Love you, ABU
- Idrani on May 31, 2020
Oh, Sebas: You improve your Artwork each time! This is my favorite! I love it! Keep creating those beautiful paintings! Love you, ABU and SHOW
- Idrani on March 13, 2020
Dear Sebastián: I really love your drawing! Looks like a robot who is asking for help or trying to help someone! Love it!
- Idrani on February 13, 2020
Colorful and artistic!
- Idrani on November 27, 2019
Your portrait reflects a great creativity! You have included everything in it! Love it!